Volunteers Needed!! Here’s our current list.

Here is the list of folks who volunteered for various projects around the lake after Sunday’s meeting.  I may have missed some people or spelled your name wrong.  Please let me know if that’s the case.  Also, if you want to be a part of any of these groups and have yet to sign-up, please don’t hesitate to email us at the Trustee’s website:  lakedelhi.org  The more help we get the better!!


Todd Gifford

Pam Klima

Nancy Grimm

Doug Hermon

Chad & Amy Hovdell


Sanitation/Wastewater Management:

Ivan Lilenthal

Corey Groth

Rick Allan

Todd Gifford


Public Access:

Marcheta Cooey

Kelley Kascel

Jim Stepanek

Bob Klima


Dredging/Watershed Management:

Larry Sloan

Todd Gifford

Gary Grimm

Jim Locke

Ken Kray


Dam Project (Construction Management Skills):

Rick Reysack, CM HR Green

Dwayne Donels, Project Supt.

Larry Sloan

Robert Klima, Carpenter Supt.

Doug Ricklefs

Larry Peter


Dam Operations:

Rob Klima

Larry Aschbrenner


Water Quality:

Dudley Brollier

Bob Galiher

Todd Gifford

Ivan Lilienthal

Corey Groth

Jenny & Wayne Garvin

George Kinnard


Lake Bed Clean Up & Weed Control:

Brian Hughes

Bob Galiher

Todd Gifford

Dale Kartman

Darryl Discher

Jackie Smith Duggan

Gary & Nancy Grimm

Deb Knake

Rick Allan

Jim Locke

Chris Jones

Amy Draker

Clint Houdek


Fish Club & Fish Stocking:

Dale Larson

Stan Holt

Cory Pearson

Dan French

Darryl Discher

Wayne & Jenny Garvin

Ivan Lilienthal

Nick Noel

Kelly Salow

Jim Wittenbel

Jim Locke

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