Minutes for Trustee Regular Meeting – March 19, 2015

These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next Trustee regular session.


The Combined Lake Delhi Recreational Facility and Water Quality District Trustee Regular Meeting

Thursday, March 19, 2015—6:30 PM

Lake Delhi Trustees Administration Building

Delhi, IA

The regular trustee meeting of the Combined Lake Delhi Recreational Facility and Water Quality District was called to order by President Steve Leonard at 6:33 PM at the Lake Delhi Trustees Administration Building in Delhi, IA.

Trustees Present: Leonard, Kramer, Davidson, Gifford, Burger, Kray and Colgan (Skype)

Trustees Absent: None

Recording Secretary: Shelley Kallenbach

Visitors: Larry Peter, Eve Peter, Jim Locke, Don Dede, John Hess, Chris Stender, Bob Galiher

Motion to approve the posted agenda was made by Davidson, seconded by Burger, motion passed.

Motion to approve the minutes from the March 5, 2015 meeting was made by Leonard, seconded by Kramer. Colgan clarified comments from the March 5th meeting that an on-site engineer was included in the original estimate. Motion to approve the March 5th minutes passed. Leonard mentioned that he asked Bill Holman from Stanley to confirm the accuracy of his statement from the previous meeting. Leonard confirmed with Stanley that $204,000 was set aside for on-site engineering in the original 2011 estimate.

Claims for payment approval were presented by Kramer. Claims for payments in the amount of $386.65 for miscellaneous office supplies, electricity, and propane were presented from the general fund. Claims in the amount of $325,818.87 for Phase 1 payments to Lunda Construction and Stanley Consultants, as well as to the Delaware County Secondary Roads Department for the Turtle Creek Project. Burger moved to approve the posted payments, Leonard seconded, motion passed.

Motion to request reimbursement in the amount of $294,539.97 from the DNR for invoices paid by the District was made by Burger, Davidson seconded, motion passed.

The financial report was reviewed by Kramer. The General Fund, Debt Service Fund, and Dam/Spillway Project Fund had no expenditures posted in February due to the fact the regular February meeting was combined with the March 5th meeting. The General Fund had revenue from the Delaware County Treasurer and interest in the amount of $6520.69, ending February at $144,004.97. The Debt Service Fund had revenue from the Delaware County Treasurer and interest in the amount of $15,304.36, ending February at $183,249.20. The Dam/Spillway Project Fund had interest revenue of $4,953.16, ending February at $5,024,859.50. Leonard motioned to approve the posted financial report, Gifford seconded, motion passed.

The Board considered possible action on Lunda Construction Change Order #15. Colgan explained that this was for a credit of $49,354.50 after a change in the dam design eliminated the concrete block wall on the downstream Delhi side. The change and material reuse allowed for this credit. Burger moved to approve Change Order #15, Gifford seconded, motion passed.

The Board considered possible action on Lunda Construction Change Order #17 in the amount of $19,360.94. Colgan explained that this is in regards to doing maintenance on the existing wicket gates to allow them to be brought back to usability. After ice was removed from the outdoor access doors, two Lunda employees were able to gain access to the area where the wicket gates are located. It became apparent that the gates were left in the open position following the breech in July 2010. They have since rusted and are inoperable from the normal operating location on the turbine floor. This change order is to have penetrating oil placed on the wicket gate mechanisms and then lubricating materials to shut them. This will allow them to be manually operated in the future if they should ever be needed to efficiently control lake level. The option to tie them to automatic operations is possible should the Board choose this in the future. Kramer motioned to approve Change Order #17, Burger seconded, motion passed.

The Board considered possible action on Stanley Engineering Supplemental Agreement #32 in the amount of $60,000. This is in regards to the field engineer supervision. The original estimate for the field engineer was done in December 2011. The Phase 2 rebid and various adjustments have changed the original construction schedule for this estimate, necessitating the supplemental agreement to accommodate the engineer. The Phase 2 on-site engineer is expected April 1st. Leonard motioned to approve Supplemental Agreement #32, Davidson seconded, motion passed.

The Board considered the possible response to an inquiry from Speaker Paulsen. Leonard explained that several months ago, the Legislative Committee met with Speaker Paulsen to update him on the Lake Delhi project. Speaker Paulsen requested information regarding the District’s experience with the state permitting processes and the costs of delays associated with these processes. A draft of a response to this request for information was presented to the Board. Kramer motioned to approve the presented draft, Gifford seconded.

Discussion was opened. Burger suggested minor grammatical changes to the draft, and Kramer and Gifford approved of the changes to the draft in their motion. All ayes to approve the amended draft, motion passed.

Todd Gifford, head of the Lake Bed Cleanup Committee stated that more updates will come in the next month now that the weather is changing. The Board heard from Chris Stender, who stated he intends to begin tree cutting soon. Gifford explained that in late summer of 2014, the Lake Bed Cleanup Committee inventoried the weeds and trees to catalogue the worst places. Now that a time line for construction has been established, removal can begin in these areas. Gifford requested Colgan’s presence during this process to offer input regarding the debris removal and burning process.

The Dredge Committee presented updates on the dredging permit process. Leonard stated that the County Engineer is working to further simplify it from what was presented at the last meeting and it is hoped that information on that will be received shortly. It was also stated that the sediment in the lake will be electronically mapped and documented to allow future dredging without permits. Appreciation for this hard work to simplify the dredging process was expressed.

The Dam Construction Committee presented updates. Colgan stated all that remains from Phase 1 is the north dike rebuild on the Delhi side. He also stated that a significant amount of structure not documented on the drawings was recently found during the excavation for the north wall resulting in a changed condition. Bill Holman from Stanley Engineering worked with the contractor to come up with simple solutions to this problem. Leonard expressed appreciation for Mr. Holman by personally coming right away and working hard to create a solution that will save approximately $75,000 from the original estimated cost to resolve the issue of $100,000. The galvanized steel operator decking is expected Monday, which will allow for the gate actuators and the gate installation in April and May.  Phase 1 remains under budget.  A Phase 2 signed contract was received this week from GCI. The District had waited to sign the contract while the contractor tried to find a reasonable quote on supplemental flood insurance required in the contract. The contractor found a suitable quote and signed the binder, allowing the completion of a signed contract. The contractor has hired the temporary cofferdam engineer. He will submit a completed temporary cofferdam design to Stanley Construction on Friday as required in the contract for review and approval. Mobilization is expected April 6 with the cofferdam beginning the week of April 13. The sheet pile is expected to begin delivery the week after Easter. The Phase 2 contractor is bringing in 2 large construction trailers and will not need the District office space. The contractor is planning on using multiple crews possibly to allow for double shifts and weekend work, making an early finish more likely. Lastly, since Delaware County has recently been included in the protected area for the endangered Indiana bat, tree removal needs to be done before April 1 to meet this new regulatory requirement to our project.

The Water Quality Committee had no updates.

The Funding/Finance Committee confirmed that the budget had been certified.

The Legislative Committee led by Steve Leonard shared that our Lobbyist have been busy during the legislative session and had reviewed the response to the Paulsen request.

The Trustees expressed thanks to Larry Aschbrenner and Tom McLaughlin for their St. Patrick’s Day event at the Pizza Place, which raised approximately $1254.00.

The floor was opened to public comment.

Bob Galiher stated that he had been contacted by the Manchester Lions Club to share a short program regarding the dam rebuild. Leonard offered to assist with this presentation.

Burger moved to adjourn the meeting, Gifford and Davidson seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 7:08 PM.

Comments are closed.