What you should know before doing shoreline work!!

The Lake Delhi Trustee’s want to thank the hundreds of people who were able to come to the Public informational meeting on Sunday June 10th.   One discussion point that was covered during the meeting and that needs to be emphasized is shoreline work (walls repaired, new walls installed, and general bank stabilization).  It is a requirement per the regulatory agencies that this type of work needs to go through the permitting process in order to move forward.  If property owners were to do shoreline work without a permit within the impounded area, it could result in a situation that may prevent the Corps of Engineers from issuing the necessary permits for the reconstruction of the dam.  For the sake of your neighbors and friends on the lake, please take this request very seriously that you submit your request for work through the normal permitting process. (See Below)

As a reminder, a requirement that is needed to get the final permit of the Dam is to complete an  Archeological Study which was started last year.  At that time, it was determined that some areas of the lake would need to have further review and we expect that process to get started in the near future.  If you happen to see the archeologists in and around the Lake Bed soon, don’t be alarmed.

Once this study is completed, the regulatory agencies will be able to help us better understand what, if any, areas that will need to be protected for cultural value.

Questions and Answers:

1.  If you have filed a permit and are approved to move forward with work, do you need to take any further action?     Answer: No, go ahead and complete your work as permitted.

If you or your contractor encounter historical or cultural resources, please stop construction and contact the appropriate authorities.

2.  If you would like to complete shoreline work before the Lake archeological study is complete, what should you do?    Answer:  Please go through the permit process to get approval process started.

3.  Could the application process be delayed until the lake archeological study is complete?   Answer:  Yes.  It could be determined that the type of work you propose could impact the cultural value of the lake bed if it is determined to be within an area of archeological interest.   You will be given the option to pay for your own archeological study for your project area or you will need to wait to perform the work until after the Lake Study is completed.  (There should be plenty of time for projects to be completed after the study is complete and before the Lake is refilled.)

Thank you for your cooperation and please share with your neighbors.

Once we have additional information, we will forward it out to you.


The Lake Delhi Trustees

To start the permit process:  You can use the link for the Iowa DNR
or the link for the Corps of Engineers
Please utilize the joint application packet for Iowa located on either site.

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