Minutes from February 18, 2016

The Combined Lake Delhi Recreational Facility and Water Quality District

Regular Meeting

February 18, 2016

6:30 PM

Lake Delhi Trustees Building

Delhi, IA


The regular meeting of the Combined Lake Delhi Recreational Facility and Water Quality District was called to order by President Steve Leonard at 6:28 PM.

Trustees present: Leonard, Kramer, Davidson, Herman, Colgan (Skype), Gifford (phone), Burger (phone)

Trustees absent: None

Visitors: Larry Peter, Eve Peter, Ed Schmidt, Dan Recker, Pat Dede, Don Dede, Chris Stender, Ron Cook, Marcheta Cooey-Lux, Bill Lux, Nancy Hurt, Dan Reyner, Wayne Garvin, Jenny Garvin, Larry Aschbrenner, Bruce Schneider, Margie Schneider

Recording Secretary: Shelley Kallenbach

Herman motioned to approve the agenda as posted and read, seconded by Davidson. Gifford motioned to move Agenda Item 11 to earlier in the meeting to accommodate his schedule. Herman modified his motion to approve the agenda with Agenda Item 11 to the fourth slot and move the remaining agenda items down accordingly, Davidson seconded, Motion approved.

Davidson motioned to approve the January 21, 2016 meeting minutes, Herman seconded, motion approved.

Davidson motioned to reopen the tabled motion regarding Bruce Schneider’s request for reimbursement for sediment removal from the lakebed, Burger seconded.

Individual trustee opinions regarding the motion were heard.

Davidson stated that he has had the opportunity to look at the sites and documentation. He says that ideally this work would have been approached in a different manner, but the sediment removal was still beneficial to everyone on the lake.

Burger seconded Davidson’s opinion and added that sediment removal improves the safety and recreational value of the lake.

Schneider stated that since the last meeting, he has removed another 50 dump truck loads for about another $3,000 worth of work. Most of the work had been done through the summer and fall and he plans on doing more.

Gifford stated that he did not consider whether or not the work done had value, as there was clear value, but that as the project was begun without trustee involvement it didn’t qualify for review. He stated the only portion that would qualify for reimbursement review would be future work that the Trustees would be involved in.

Herman stated that since the last meeting work has been done with definite value to the general boating and recreational value of the lake. He stated he shared Gifford’s concerns, and also has had lake residents contact him that are concerned about opening a “can of worms” regarding reimbursement. He is concerned that there was no prior Board approval and no solid way to measure what work had been done.

Colgan stated that he didn’t doubt there was value to the work completed, but had concerns about the reimbursement. He stated that if this was approved, many more would come forward. He believes there are still 6 to 12 weeks left to finish the dam and money may be required for contingencies. He feels he needs to be accountable for funding to be available if things happen in the future.

Leonard stated that the original intention with the 80%/20% match was to have Board involvement upfront evaluating ideas on criteria including public recreational benefit, improvement to safety, and cost effectiveness. He stated that it is difficult to understand the starting point and current point since the Board was not formally involved in the process from the beginning. He commended the Schneider family for their work. However, there’s no way to know if the work fits the Board’s criteria. He also commended all of the many property owners who have removed dirt with no reimbursement from the Lake District after the DNR/Corp of Engineers/County Engineer approval process. He stated he would strongly support future work based on recreational value, safety, and cost effectiveness, and would evaluate the work with the same heavy debate the other larger projects have received.

Clarification was requested regarding Colgan’s comments on funding. Colgan stated he is concerned about risk and the Board’s criteria for budget control for reimbursement when the dam itself is not finished.

The original motion on the table was for $25,000 reimbursement for Schneiders’ work that had already been done and still has yet to be done. Votes were taken as follows:

Burger: Yes

Gifford: No

Herman: No

Davidson: Yes

Leonard: No

Kramer: Abstain

Colgan: No

Motion does not pass.

Kramer presented payments for approval. Payments in the amount of $2,577.00 from the General Fund for electricity, internet, printer maintenance, lobbyist, and miscellaneous equipment were presented. Payments in the amount of $423,728.79 for Burrington Group, GCI payment, and Stanley engineering services were presented. Herman motioned to approve the payments as read, seconded by Kramer. Concerns about the increasing costs of engineering expenses were expressed. Colgan reviewed the four Stanley Engineering invoices for the month and their appropriateness. Leonard stated that as the project nears completion, Stanley’s engagement is critical with a lot of moving parts coming together with problem solving and advice. Leonard expressed confidence in the services received and the amount billed. Additionally, a question about whether GCI should pick up some of the contract extension bills due to their failure to meet the deadline in the contract. It was confirmed that over 2 million dollars was saved from the contract rebid, and even with additional charges, there is still a major net money difference saved. Motion passed.

Gifford dropped from the meeting.

Kramer presented the financial reports. The General Fund had revenues of $943.64 and expenses of $2,502.06 to end January at $255,669.18. The Debt Service Fund had revenues of $2,156.24 and no expenditures, ending January at $180,293.24. The Dam/Spillway Project Fund had revenues of $439,076.17 from reimbursements and the county, and expenditures of $660,463.50, ending January at #3,470,670.84. Davidson motioned to file the financial reports as read, seconded by Herman, motion approved.

Motion to request reimbursement from Delaware County in the amount of $194,601.27 for expenses paid by the District was made by Herman, seconded Davidson, motion approved.

Discussion was opened on the issue of a credit card for the District. A maximum spending limit has been set by the County at $3,000. The credit card application would be processed through Grundy National Bank. A set of procedures on the use of this credit card was presented. Herman motioned to approve the presented procedures, Davidson seconded. Discussion was opened. Herman added an exception for smaller online purchases in which the tax-exempt paperwork would take more time than it is worth. Stamped inventory and a purchasing log was also discussed. Herman amended his motion to allow purchases of less than $50 total online be exempt from the tax-exempt status if it creates a hardship in regards to placing an order, Davidson seconded, motion approved.

Colgan reviewed GCI Change Order #8 in the amount of $6,683.25. This was presented at the previous meeting but had not yet been adequately reviewed by Stanley Engineering. This change order allows for equipment that would allow the SCADA computer to be located in the LDRA house across the river which has better environment to house this type of equipment computer to the dampness of the concrete powerhouse structure. Burger motioned to approve GCI Change Order #8, Kramer seconded, motion approved.

Colgan presented updates regarding job descriptions for potential future employees of the lake. Colgan states that the District will not be hiring any contractors as direct employees to operate the dam. Personal that will operate the dam that are non-volunteer workers would be hired and managed by Burrington Group. All maintenance work would be a separate contract with Lunda for one to two years.

The potential endorsement of HF2249 by the District was discussed. Leonard stated that a very concerted approach was made regarding getting financial support for Lake Delhi and future watershed management concerns. As this is a growing statewide issue, increased funding is becoming available through the state. However, Iowa requires that only counties and cities are able to be voting members of watershed management authorities.  Our combined District is currently not eligible. HF2249 is a bill currently in place to allow the District to be a voting member of this future watershed management authority. The bill has already passed the committee process. Davidson motioned to formally endorse HF2249 as a District, Kramer seconded. It is unknown at this time what liabilities the District may incur in the future as part of this authority, but each will be reviewed extensively. Motion to endorse HF2249 approved.

The Board heard committee updates.

The Lake Bed Cleanup Committee had no updates.

The Dredge Committee should know the final Lidar mapping from Stanley on the last remaining borings and will forward the data as soon as it is received.

The Dam Construction Committee states that GCI has worked every day except for three or four due to wind chill. Six to eight weeks remain to finish the dam under ideal weather conditions, with parts remaining including a sheet pile wall to prevent water from running around the dam spillway. The downstream side is complete. The weather has been impacting the compaction of clay materials that will be the base for three remaining concrete slabs on grade. Warmer weather, wind, and potentially mixing the clay with lime will allow for drier clay and subsequent slab placement.

The Funding and Finance Committee stated there will be a public hearing March 3rd to review the next fiscal year budget.

Leonard added that within the last week he met with the Iowa DNR and various state representatives in Des Moines for an update on the lake restoration progress and the request to get on the Iowa Public Lakes list. This could allow for increased funding for the lake. There was good communication and support following the meeting.

Public discussion was opened.

Bruce Schneider stated that he feels he was let down by the Board because he was not told to get a bid. Leonard clarified that there were no details on the work done or the estimated cost until the last meeting. Leonard stated that the Board had taken the time to evaluate the cost effectiveness, safety, and risk management of each project proposal on its individual merits, and would continue to do so for any future work, including work performed by Schneider. He stated that with all proposals, the Board had gone through a yes or no process of voting for each project individually. Leonard stated that he is willing to add future work with the Schneiders on the March 3rd meeting agenda if the Schneiders are willing to propose new work. Assuming the board is in agreement with new work, he would contact Randy Rattenborg to come out to complete laser lines for work estimation prior to the work starting.

Larry Peter expressed concerns about matching funds required in a watershed authority regarding property tax increases. It was clarified that any situation where matching funds would require a property tax increase would have to go to the voters. If the general operating funds would be used for matching funding, the Board would make the decision to use or not use it.

A question was raised on if the District would be paying rent to the LDRA for use of the LDRA building for the remote computer access. It was clarified that the District owns the LDRA building.

It was clarified that no liaison is required to be a part of the legislative watershed authority, as the request is for the Board to have a single vote.

A question regarding the location of archaeological sites was raised. It was confirmed that the Board is unaware of any archaeological disturbances, but is bound by the Corps of Engineers not to release the archaeological site locations publicly. However, the Board continues to be mindful of them.

With regard to the 80%/20% projects, it was confirmed that each project had been done differently for silt removal along with being reviewed by the Board under its own individual merits. 100% payment by the road associations had been expected prior to Board reimbursement. A laser requirement will be reviewed on March 3rd as a formal process. Schneider’s future work would be considered but not automatically approved.

Davidson motioned to adjourn, seconded by Herman. Meeting adjourned at 8:25 PM.

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