Minutes – Thursday, September 20, 2018

The Combined Lake Delhi Recreational Facility and Water Quality District

Thursday, September 20, 2018

6:30 pm

Lake Delhi Trustees Administration Building

Delhi, IA


The regular meeting of the Combined Lake Delhi Recreational Facility and Water Quality District was called to order at 6:30 pm by President Steve Leonard.

Trustees present: Leonard, Staebell, Havertape, Davidson and Burger. Gifford by phone

Trustees absent: Herman

Visitors: Linda Slobodnik, Ed Schmidt, and Larry Aschbrenner

Motion to approve the meeting agenda as read was made by Burger, seconded by Staebell. Motion carried.

Leonard opened the public hearing regarding bids for the barge. There being no comments, Burger made a motion to close the public hearing which was seconded by Staebell. Leonard stated that there were no written bids but he did receive a verbal bid from Daryl Hogan from Hillside Manufacturing for $1,275.00. With no other comments from the Board, a vote was taken to close the public hearing. Motion carried.

Burger made a motion to table the proposal from Hogan given the lack of information regarding Hogan’s intentions for use of the barge. Davidson seconded the motion. He also stated that because none of the criteria regarding the bid process was met, he felt any action should be tabled. Leonard also expressed a concern with potential issues with FEMA. Burger suggested it be tabled until next month and see if Hogan wants to submit a proposal that includes more detail. Leonard asked if the Board had any interest in marketing the barge in other publications. Davidson stated he was not happy with the publication that was in the Manchester Press. He stated the publication was so small he had trouble finding it. Because of the all the concerns expressed, the consensus was to table action on Hogan’s proposal. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Davidson to table the election of officers due to the fact that not all board members are present and he would like to have the entire board available to hold the election of officers. Staebell asked if the Board was interested in rotating the officers as was discussed last year. Davidson said he thought based on the discussion last year, that the Board members were not interested in the idea of rotating officers. Burger stated he made the suggestion last year and the Board did not accept it. Gifford stated that the action taken last year was to limit the term of office for the President to three years and he had placed it into the District Policy and Procedure manual. With no other comments, Staebell seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Motion to approve the minutes of previous meetings was made by Burger, seconded by Havertape. Motion carried.

Claims were presented for payment in the amount of $50,992.58 from the General Fund for electricity and internet services, dam operation services, beach maintenance and port-a-potties, printer maintenance, lobbyist expense, renewal of blanket insurance, LP for dam and office, dam maintenance on actuators, riprap work below dam, reimbursement for work session expense and publication expense. Staebell motioned to approve the claims for payment as read, Davidson seconded. Davidson asked a question regarding the Rotork invoice and who oversaw the project. It was noted that Colgan was present for the project. There being no other comments, motion carried.

August financial reports were presented. The Board reviewed the new format of the budget reports noting that the reports now included year-to-date information which they felt was helpful for their review. The General Fund had revenues of $178,656.04 from Delaware County and the Community Fund to Rebuild Lake Delhi and expenditures of $44,760.70, ending August at $1,901,433.83. The Debt Service Fund had revenues of $63,620.96 from Delaware County and no expenditures, ending August at $106,880.06. The Dam Improvement Fund had no revenues or expenditures and ended August with a $20,000.00 balance. Burger motioned to receive and file the financial reports as read, Staebell seconded. Motion carried.

Leonard presented information regarding the possible approval of expenditures for one-third the cost of well repairs for properties adjoining district owned properties.   He gave the board some background information regarding the proposal. The district owned property being referred to is the property the District purchased from Rusty Peck which in the past was referred to as the Rocky Nook on the south side of the dam. There’s a well that sits on a property owner’s land that has a well agreement for two other parties to utilize the well. One of those properties is owned by Kristin Nation and the other property owner is Carol Strachura. Leonard stated that because Herman is working on finding the documentation regarding the agreement and the fact that work on the well has not been completed or billed out, he would like to table any action on this agenda item. After some discussion, a motion was made by Staebell, second by Havertape to table. Motion carried.

Linda Slobodnik addressed the Board regarding the frontage at her property in the Cedars. She is concerned that the four foot of frontage is not being maintained by the District and she would like to purchase the frontage for $12.50 per foot. She stated she knew that no action could be taken at this meeting but before the next meeting she would like permission to burn the unwanted vegetation. The consensus of the Board was to allow her to clean the area and put her request on the agenda next month.

Aschbrenner asked a question about the revenues and what CFTRLD stood for. Leonard responded that it stood for the Community Fund to Rebuild Lake Delhi.

A motion was made by Burger, second by Davidson to adjourn. Motion carried.

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