August 2018 Planning Session

The Combined Lake Delhi Recreational Facility and Water Quality District
Board of Trustees Planning Session Summary – August 2018
Notes from Session
What is the purpose of the Trustees? (from 2017 Session)
• Own and safely operate and maintain the dam structure, land and adjacent facilities
• Set policy and organize maintenance for the entire lake area
• Set policy for water quality and recreation
• Collect and responsibly allocate tax dollar
• Represent the interests of lake residents
Priorities for the next 1-3 years – 2018-2020
1. Water Quality Management
• Invite Dennis Lyons to Trustee meeting to provide an update on septic systems
• Send a letter to Dennis Lyons from Trustees thanking him for septic system efforts and encourage him to continue the efforts to reach full compliance
• Invite DNR to Trustee meeting to discuss their role in water quality and testing. How frequent is testing and who communicates the results?
• Continue to participate in Water Management Authority
2.  Dredge and Sediment Control
• Contract for a dredge feasibility study/plan or management plan by _______
• Set a policy for the lake dredge that includes:
o Depth standard
o Priority areas for dredging
o Recreation standards
o Safety
• Dredge site (what are requirements for the site – what upgrades are needed?)
• Invite the Corps of Engineers to a Dredge Committee meeting
Priority dredge areas:
• North Beach area and Cedars
• Linden Acres
• Maples
Sediment Control
• Mitigation priority areas to be addressed
o Quarry
o Cozy Cove – Stender area
o Schneider Cove
o Turtle Creek Cove
• Seek Delaware County enforcement of storm water management policies
• Address construction issues along the lake (sediment fences – County enforcement)
Outline overall funding and timing for the multi-year plan for dredge and sediment
3. Recreation and Events
• LDRA will reactivate – and will have 501(c)(3) status
• Set up regular communications with the LDRA
• Trustee rep will attend LDRA meetings (still needs to be decided) Steve?
• Decide what portion of the Community Fund should be transferred
• Events and activities will be led by LDRA in partnership of Trustees
4. District-owned properties – Priority properties
Lost Beach –(Larry and Dan)
• Still need to further address parking, flooding, legal easement, maintenance, garbage collection and solid waste, landscaping, and development behind the beach
• May rethink the strategy – consider starting the year without trash cans – add signs for users to haul away trash
• Look at cost options to purchase a drag that will collect rocks and debris
• Need a new person to clean the area
• Pursue collaboration with neighbors
Dam structure, land and office in the dam area (Pat and dam operating committee)
• Better security is needed for office – windows
• Surveillance cameras installed by Fall of 2018
Dam operations – (Pat and committee)
• Prepare a 2-5 year succession plan for moving to a paid operations person or larger volunteer team
• Expand the number of volunteers who assist in the interim
• Perform daily observation, maintain mechanical and electrical equipment, manage service agreements
• Resolve the access issues – consider a hard-surfaced road
North Beach – (Steve, Doug and Maggie Burger)
• Resolve legal issues with ownership
• Ties closely with dredge project and includes the Cedars
Frontage – (Doug and Steve)
• Lower priority – address as issues arise
5. Cash Reserve and Finances (Finance Committee to lead – Larry)
• Bring a recommendation to the Trustee board meeting as part of the budgeting process in February.  This will include a recommendation for a policy to create and maintain a cash reserve
• Share the policies and procedures handbook (Todd has a draft)
Other items
Wall of Recognition – (Steve, Todd and Larry)
• Identify final location
• Use plans outlined thus far and contract for a simple Landscape Architect (LA) plan to draw up final plans – Larry will review options for an LA
• Trustees will review and approve the plan
• Seek bids based on the plan
• Award contract
• An emergency action plan is in place – Delhi Fire Dept will be the key contact – plan should be updated annually
• Conduct frequent meetings with Delhi FD
• May need to offer some financial support to Delhi FD
• Reach out to Delaware County Emergency Management Commission
• Address debris clean up after floods (Todd will explore)
• Consensus to continue lobbying activities.  A meeting will be scheduled for an update with Trustee(s) as needed
Committees for 2018-19
Water Quality – Doug, Steve, Bill
Dredge-Sediment – Larry, Dan, Steve
Recreation and Events – LDRA/Steve
Dam and Properties – Lamont, Doug, Dan, (Larry for Lost Beach), Pat
Wall of Recognition – Larry. Todd and Steve
Finance-Budget – Larry, Doug, Dan, Todd and Laurie

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