The Combined Lake Delhi Recreational Facility and Water Quality District
Wednesday, November 15, 2023
5:00 pm
Lake Delhi Office
Delhi, IA 52223
The regular meeting of the Combined Lake Delhi Recreational Facility and Water Quality District was called to order at 5:01 pm by President Althoff.
Present,: Burger, Leonard, Thompson, Althoff; Staebell, and Beals and Scherrman via Zoom.
Absent: Thompson.
Visitors: Randy Rattenborg
Support Staff via Zoom: Laurie Kramer and Lori Tucker.
Althoff asked for a motion to approve the meeting agenda. A motion was made by Burger, seconded by Staebell to approve the agenda. All ayes. Motion carried.
A motion to approve minutes from previous meetings was made by Leonard, seconded by Staebell. All ayes. Motion carried.
The Board reviewed claims from the General Fund (81000) as presented. Claims included utilities, maintenance contract, clerical expense, lobbyist expense, copier expense, blanket insurance, generator repair, and port-a-potties. Claims totaled $16,340.03 from the General Fund. A motion was made by Leonard, seconded by Staebell to approval all claims. All ayes. Motion carried.
October financial reports were presented. The General Fund had revenues of property tax $32,769.12, interest of $8,014.92 totaling $40,784.04. Expenditures for October were $83,251.73, ending October at $2,380,141.76. The Debt Service Fund had revenues of $45,987.92 from property tax and interest, and expenditures of $233,461.10, ending October at $480,875.86. The Dam Improvement Fund had no revenues and no expenditures ending October with a $70,000.00 balance. The Lake Improvement Fund had $1,016.77 in interest revenues and no expenditures, ending October with a balance of $309,641.82. The Grant #2 Fund had interest in the amount of $277.40 and expenditures of $60,544.74, ending October with a balance of $389,7322.66. A motion was made by Staebell, seconded by Burger to receive and file the October financial report. All ayes. Motion carried.
Motion by Burger, second by Staebell to authorize attorney to move forward with transfer of frontage property to Michael Miller using the same procedure as in the past. There was discussion regarding right to maintain, dredge, allow public access and other common language, survey requirements, and FEMA references. Motion by Leonard, second by Staebell to table the motion. All ayes.
Motion by Leonard, second by Burger, to approve paying Chad Kelly (Cedar Grove Dredge Project) with the following conditions:
- Easement deemed to be complete/acceptable by Board/Attorney.
- Finish putting the dam in. Go a foot below normal water level. We will pay for signage.
III. Clean out the sediment basin behind the dam. Chad would run the necessary equipment and the trustees would reimburse him for the lease of the excavator. This amount/lease agreement needs to be agreed upon ahead of time in writing. The depth of the clean out will be the direction of the board.
After discussion, Leonard amended and Burger seconded the motion to add:This agreement supersedes any other written/verbal agreed upon agreements.
This agreement supersedes any other written/verbal agreed upon agreements
In addition, The property committee will meet with them to review the proposa
Ayes: Althoff, Burger, Leonard, Beals, Scherrman. Nay: Staebell
Motion by Leonard, second by Burger to approve purchasing Office 365 to set up email accounts for board and support staff ($10/mo./acct) and create a retention policy for archiving. All ayes. Motion carried.
Committee Updates:
Water Quality – Maquoketa River Water District received a grant from the University of Iowa for Hydraulic Study
Community Events, Activities, and Wall of Recognition – Wall of Recognition Request for Proposals ready to go out for design ideas and costs
Dam Operations & Property Management – Goal for grant #2 items/project need to be rewritten due to the lower cost of Brennan contract and shall include maintenance and safety items. Generator will be filled with diesel and a new pressure tank is needed at dam.
Finance & Budget – Budget planning for FY25 will begin in January.
Legislative – Need to introduce new members to lobbyists.
Public Comment – Marty Pottebaum is requesting quit claim deed removing Lake as owner.
A motion to adjourn was made by Burger, second by Staebell. All ayes. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:13 p.m.