Minutes – Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The Combined Lake Delhi Recreational Facility and Water Quality District

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

5:00  pm

Lake Delhi Office

Delhi, IA 52223

The regular meeting of the Combined Lake Delhi Recreational Facility and Water Quality District was held and called to order at 5:04 pm by President Althoff.

Present: Burger, Althoff, Thompson, Staebell and Leonard.  Beals joined the meeting by Zoom at 5:04.  Scherrman joined the meeting by Zoom at 5:08.

Absent:   None

Visitors:  Randy Rattenborg, Ed Schmidt, Joe Vorwald, Ethen Brockhohn and Alex Vorwald

Support Staff via Zoom: Laurie Kramer

Leonard made a motion to approve the agenda as presented.  Thompson seconded the motion.  All ayes. Motion carried.

A motion to approve minutes from previous meetings was made by Leonard, seconded by Burger.  All ayes.  Motion carried.

The Board reviewed claims from the General Fund (81000) as presented.  Claims included utilities, maintenance contract, clerical expense, lobbyist expense, legal fees, copier expense, lawn maintenance, porta-potty rentals, asphalt to powerhouse (50%), gate inspection and repair (50%) and software customer support.  Claims totaled $35,336.13 from the General Fund. Claims for Fund 81006 included asphalt to powerhouse (50%) and gate inspection and repair (50%).  A motion was made by Leonard, seconded by Staebell to approval all claims.   All ayes.  Motion carried.

August financial reports were presented. The General Fund received $61,424.31 in property taxes for the month and interest of $9,986.59.  Expenditures for August were $8,345.59 ending August at $2,306,747.06.  The Debt Service Fund received $83,430.80 in property tax for the month of August and $1,206.21 in interest with no expenditures ending August at $400,398.94.  The Dam Improvement Fund had no revenues and no expenditures ending August with a $70,000.00 balance.  The Lake Improvement Fund (81005) was closed out with $252,350.52 returned to the IDNR.  The Grant Fund (81006) had revenues of $1,515.95 interest and no expenses ending August with a balance of $398,162.04.  A motion was made by Staebell, second by Thompson to receive and file the August financial report.  All ayes.  Motion carried.

Joe Vorwald and two other members from the Delhi Fire Department presented the board with financial information regarding their cost to cover expenses related to the lake.  Discussion centered around their expenses along with the revenues they received to cover the two townships in the lake area.  Leonard made a motion to table any action until next month so more information can be gathered to give guidance on the direction the board wants to pursue.  Thompson seconded the motion.  All ayes.  Motion carried.

The Board considered renewing their contract with L & L Consulting for lobbyists expense.  A motion was made by Leonard, second by Burger to renew their contract for another year.  All ayes.  Motion carried.

The District received a request for payment for property taxes that were a result of recently purchased residential property.  The amount is for $98.00.  Leonard made a motion to approve payment.  Staebell seconded the motion.  All ayes.  Motion carried.

The LDRA presented a request for a donation to pay for the dredge debt that is due December 2, 2024.  A motion was made by Leonard, second by Staeball to pay $8,550.00 as presented.  All ayes.  Motion carried.

A motion was made by Burger, second by Staebell to table indefinitely any action on Munson Electric proposal for lighting at the powerhouse. 

All ayes.  Motion carried.

The Board discussed the needs for a man-lift at the dam.  Discussion surrounded the length of the lift and whether renting a life when needed would be a better option.  Without having more information, Leonard made a motion to table, Staebell seconded.  All ayes except Thompson who voted no.  Motion carried.

The Board received quotes from Jeff Knutson Construction and Tanman Construction for installation of an exterior door at the powerhouse.  Knutson quoted a steel door at $3,545.20 and Tanman quoted a vinyl door at $2,056.38.  Leonard made a motion to approve the quote from Tanman, Burger seconded.  All ayes.  Thompson abstained.  Motion carried.

The Board received an additional quote from Jeff Knutson Construction an Tanman Construction for the turbin room project.  Knutson’s quote was $11,750.23 and Tanman’s quote was $12,131.76 which included disposal of materials.  A motion was made by Stabell, second by Leonard to approve the quote from Tanman Construction.  All ayes.  Thompson abstained.  Motion carried.

A proposal from E & H Restoration to replace the existing road deck over the powerhouse was presented by President Althoff.  A motion was made by Leonard, second by Staebell is accept the proposal of $94,635.00.  Discussion after the motion included noting there’s a 10-year guarantee on the project and this expense would be paid 50/50 between the general fund and the current DNR grant.  All ayes.  Motion carried.

A motion was made by Leonard, second by Burger to approve a proposal from Kluesner Construction to asphalt the area surrounding the lake office.  This will provide for more parking and public access.  Discussion also included moving fencing once the project is complete.  It was also noted that this project would also be a 50/50 split between the General Fund and the DNR grant.  All ayes.  Motion carried.

It was noted that Beals left the meeting at 5:53.

The Board discussed the proposed donation of a wind sail to be installed near the Wall of Recognition.  Leonard noted that while the wall project is moving forward the wind sail is a separate project.  Because there are still questions surrounding the installation of the wind sail a motion was made by Leonard, second by Thompson to table approval until more information is presented at the next meeting.

Committee Updates:

Water Quality, Legislative & Community Events: No updates.  Leonard noted a Watershed Management meeting will be held in late October

Dredge:  Staebell stated he was going to ask the dredge committee to get together and create a work list because of the complexity of the dredge issue and then have a work session with the entire board to get feedback.

Dam Operations & Property Management:  Althoff noted that Lunda had been at the dam to work on Gate 3 and other general maintenance.  Rattenborg gave the Board an overview of what occurred on August 20th when the water levels dropped at the lake.  He noted that after Lunda left the site there was an issue with the gate settings.  There was an additional issue with the alarms but we were fortunate to have a dam volunteer, Dave Larson, at the dam and he noticed the issue.  Because of the sensitivity of the gates, Rattenborg recommended having Lunda come to the dam in the spring and fall to exercise them.  Althoff also noted that Brennan will be at the dam next week to do the hydrographic survey.  Brennan stated they could bring divers to help with the study at an additional cost.  The consensus of the board was to approve the additional cost if it was under the threshold of the resolution that approves pre-approved purchases by the President and Vice President.  More discussion surrounded the issue of the old wicket gates and alternatives to improve the efficiency of the dam operations.

Finance & Budget:  No update

A motion to adjourn was made by Leonard, seconded by Staebell.  All ayes.  Motion carried.  Meeting adjourned at 6:24 p.m.

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