Minutes – Wednesday, October 16, 2024

The Combined Lake Delhi Recreational Facility and Water Quality District

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

5:00  pm

Lake Delhi Office

Delhi, IA 52223

The regular meeting of the Combined Lake Delhi Recreational Facility and Water Quality District was held and called to order at 5:01 pm by President Althoff.

Present: Burger, Althoff, Thompson, Scherrman.  Leonard via Zoom. 

Absent:   Staebell and Beals

Visitors: Ed Schmidt and Ben Pasker.  Todd McManus via Zoom.

Support Staff via Zoom: Laurie Kramer

Scherrman made a motion to approve the agenda as presented.  It was noted that last month’s meeting ended at 6:19 p.m.  Burger seconded the motion.  All ayes. Motion carried.

A motion to approve minutes from previous meetings was made by Scherrman, seconded by Thompson.  All ayes.  Motion carried.

The Board reviewed claims from the General Fund (81000) as presented.  Claims included utilities, maintenance contract, clerical expense, lobbyist expense, legal fees, copier expense, lawn maintenance, asphalt for lake office, hydrographic survey (50%), dam maintenance (50%) and man lift rental (50%).    Claims totaled $43,193.39 from the General Fund.  Claims for Fund 81006 included hydrographic survey, dam maintenance and man lift rental totaling $10,906.55 .  Claims for Fund 81001 (Debt Service) included a bond payment for principal and interest in the amount of $229,935.80.  A motion was made by Thompson, seconded by Burger to approve all claims.   All ayes.  Motion carried.

September financial reports were presented. The General Fund received $224,556.91 in property taxes for the month and interest of $9,968.41.  Expenditures for September were $43,984.13 ending September at $2,497,288.25.  The Debt Service Fund received $305,008.61 in property tax for the month of September and $1,211.43 in interest with no expenditures ending September at $706,618.98.  The Dam Improvement Fund had no revenues and no expenditures ending September with a $80,000.00 balance. Grant Fund (81006) had revenues of $1,521.74 interest and and expenditures of $14,333.90 ending September with a balance of $385,349.88.  A motion was made by Burger, second by Leonard to receive and file the September financial report.  All ayes.  Motion carried.

The Board considered a request made last month by the Delhi Fire Department for a donation for their services to the lake.  Leonard reported that the fire department was going to provide specific items that they would like financial funding for.  To date he has not heard back from the department.  A motion was made by Burger, second by Scherrman to table the request until more information is available.  All ayes.  Motion carried.

The Board reviewed a bid from Munson Electric that was received in September to move the electrical in the powerhouse.  The amount of the bid is $14,340.00.  Scherrman made the motion to accept the bid.  Thompson seconded the motion.  All ayes.  Motion carried.

A bid was received from Kluesner Construction for removal of the hoist from the turbin room.  A motion was made by Burger, second by Thompson to approve up to $10,000 for the removal of the hoist.  All ayes.  Motion carried.

A motion was made to table the agenda item regarding the wind sail project by Leonard, second by Burger.  Leonard stated their waiting on more engineering information before asking for approval.  All ayes.  Motion carried.

Committee Updates:

Water Quality, Legislative & Community Events:  Leonard noted the annual Maquoketa River Watershed Management Authority meeting will be held next week.  They are working with the DNR on funding opportunities for waterway mitigation issues.  Funding would come from the cities and counties within their boundaries.  He also informed the Board that he, Joe Scherrman and Heidi Beals met with the lobbyists to review the District goals and funding possibilities.

Dredge:  Burger stated the committee met on October 4th to layout goals and to discuss plans to get a dredge project started.   He noted that because bond issuance laws have changed a bond issue will be pushed back to 2026.  In the meantime, the committee plans to work with the engineers and Brennan to see what works need to be done so planning can begin.

Dam Operations & Property Management:  Althoff reported that Randy Rattenborg has changed the alarm pool settings due to the dry weather.  He also reported that when Lunda put in the new actuator it blew some breakers.  Lunda decided to replace the new actuator with the old on that they will repair with new seals.  Althoff noted that the hydrographic survey has been completed.  The findings look good.  There’s no need to do a dive test or dye test because of the findings and also because of the low water levels.  The committee is still reviewing information regarding possible hydro-gate replacement.  They plan to have a meeting with the engineer and Brennan to develop a plan to do the replacement.  He also plans to update the Fund 81006 grant and send out to the members.

Finance & Budget:  No update

Public Comment:

Ed Schmidt asked what the issues are with the actuators.  What happened with the rebuilt spare?   Althoff stated the spare has been stored at Lunda for several years before being stored locally.  The thought is that because it was sitting for so long and not being exercised it caused the issue.

A motion to adjourn was made by Leonard, seconded by Burger.  All ayes.  Motion carried.  Meeting adjourned at 5:37 p.m.

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