Minutes for Trustee Regular Meeting – December 18, 2014

The Combined Lake Delhi Recreational Facility and Water Quality District

Board of Trustees Meeting

Thursday, December 18, 2014 – 6:30 p.m.

Lake Delhi Trustee Office

Delhi, IA

The meeting of the Combined Lake Delhi Recreational Facility and Water Quality District Board of Trustees was called to order by President Steve Leonard at 6:30 PM at the Lake Delhi Trustee Office.

Trustees present: Leonard, Kray, Burger, Kramer, Gifford and Colgan by Skype

Trustees absent: Davidson

Visitors: Larry Peter, Eve Peter, Ken Kray, Jim Locke, Chris Stender, Shelley Kallenbach, Ben Pasker. Larry Aschbrenner

Agenda was reviewed by Leonard and motion to approve the agenda by Kramer, Gifford second. All ayes, motion passed.

Kray asked for approval of minutes from 11/20/14. Burger made motion to approve, Gifford second, all ayes, motion passed.

Kramer reviewed the claims for November. Request for payment from the General Fund is Alliant Energy – $45.37. The requests for the Dam Spillway Fund are Simmons Perrine Moyer Bergman – $80.00; Dorsey & Whitney – $1,164.78; Groth Services – $24,240.00; Lunda Construction – $136,457.73; Stanley Consultants – $1,954.44. Burger made motion to approve payments of both funds, Gifford second. Leonard advised he asked the President of the Rocky Nook Association to confirm the work by Groth Services was completed as promised and they did confirm that. All ayes on the motion to approve payments for both funds, motion passed.

Kramer reviewed Financial report for month ending November 30, 2014. The General Fund began with a balance of $192,108.09 and after revenues and expenses, ended with a balance of $191,464.59. The Debt Service Fund began with a balance of $48,150.78 and after revenues ended with a balance of $159,530.40. The Dam/Spillway fund started with a balance of $4,830,349.34 and after revenues and expenses, ended with a balance of $4,221,197.07. Kramer also presented reports maintained by the County. Motion to file all financial reports by Burger, Gifford second. Gifford asked for a review of the funds presented and Kramer gave explanations. All ayes, motion passed. Leonard and Kramer then presented report requested by Kray at last meeting. Advised this is a template and the board should decide if these reports work. All members advised will look at further and give input.

The letter to the DNR requesting reimbursement for Phase I costs of $136,457.73 was discussed by Leonard explaining charges are for Lunda Construction and Stanley Engineering invoices with the exception of any dredging expense. Gifford made motion to approve reimbursement request, Burger second, all ayes, motion passed.

Committee Updates

Lake Bed Clean Up – Gifford advised no updates since last meeting.

Dredge – Colgan advised Stanley Engineering hired Burringon Group to do survey work for dredging. The purpose of the survey work is to document the bottom of the lake and see what changes in sediment have occurred since 2010. Stanley Engineering will come back with a proposal for soil borings of areas we are interested in. Colgan reminded us that our agreement with the Corps of Engineers and the DNR is that we cannot dredge below the native soil.

Water Quality – nothing to report

Funding – Gifford, Leonard and Kramer met with Grant from our lobbyist firm. They are in the initial stages of discussion and ramping up for the Legislative session. Any funds requested will be non-matching.

Finance – Once the Phase II bids are in the committee will have a good idea of our needs. They plan on an initial meeting on the budget in January 2015.

Dam Construction – Lunda Construction has continued to work through the cold and they are specifically working on the patching currently. Lunda has brought in a millwright company to make sure the tolerances are set correctly on the gates as they want no leakage and the work is very precise The downstream side is complete and Lunda will be able to meet the requirements necessary for Phase II to begin.

Kray introduced Shelley Kallenbach as the new Recording Secretary for the District. Kray advised Hatala approved our contract employee document and Kallenbach had no changes. Burger made motion to approve contract, Kramer second. All ayes, motion passed.

Colgan discussed the Phase II bids and explained that some changes were made to the bids so there should be a wider group of contractors that can do this work. The District took shallow soil borings by the dam and at the Turtle Creek area and we found we will be able to use the materials found at those 2 sites. Secondly, we changed the timing of the work which lends itself better to spring and fall work. Third, we found additional contractors that can do work and that will receive the plans. The bids have also been updated with 2016 requirements which requires the Contractors to provide for flood insurance. The bids will go out on January 5, 2015; Pre-Bid conference will be held on January 14th or 15th; Bids are due back on January 29th ; Awarding of the bids on Februay 5, 2015. Construction should begin early March and completion is set for November , 2015. Leonard made motion to approve final bid package with review and completion by the Construction committee, Kramer second. Burger is not sure if he is willing to just give the Committee the approval authority as he wants to understand the ramifications of any date changes. His concern is that if changes affect the number of bidders or the cost, all board members should vote on those changes. Colgan said these are the best dates to receive the best bids and believes we should leave them as is. Leonard amended the motion to approve the bid package with a review by the construction committee and if the dates remain the same no new board approval is necessary. Kramer second. All ayes, motion passed.

Kramer explained the Canon copier she would like to purchase for the District administration building. It is a Model C103 for $699 and has a maintenance agreement for 3 years at $11/mo. The maintenance agreement covers parts, labor and toner. Leonard made motion to acquire Cannon copier Model C103 for $699, Burger second. All ayes, motion passed.

Leonard advised the wrong agenda was printed and approved. Will table the consideration of the Stanley Supplemental Agreement until the next meeting.

Public Comment

Jim Locke asked what the District was going to do with the LDRA printer and Kramer said would use as back up.

Jim Locke feels if the Nov, 20, 2015 date gives the contractors more time and improves the cost and the number of contractors, that the Board should leave the date as is.

Larry Peter asked when the Board will begin work on manpower requests. Colgan said has been thinking through that and after the Phase II bids are out and awarded he will focus on this issue. Peter advised he has produced a report on ongoing maintenance of the dam and will share with Kramer as she needs to understand expenditures. Kramer will share with the Dam Committee members.

Motion to adjourn by Kray, Burger second, all ayes, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 7:32 pm.

Comments are closed.