Minutes from April 21, 2016

The Combined Lake Delhi Recreational Facility and Water Quality District

Thursday, April 21, 2016

6:30 PM

Lake Delhi Trustees Administration Building

Delhi, IA


The regular meeting of the Combined Lake Delhi Recreational Facility and Water Quality District was called to order by President Steve Leonard via phone at 6:33 PM.

Trustees present: Kramer, Herman, Leonard (phone), Burger (phone)

Trustees absent: Davidson, Colgan, and Gifford

Visitors: Don & Pat Dede, Larry & Eve Peter, Jim Locke, Ben Pasker, Ben Kindred, Ken & Barb DeKlotz, Dave Larson, Dan Reyner, Ron Cook and Nancy Hurt.

Recording secretary: Shelley Kallenbach

Motion to approve the agenda as read was made by Herman, seconded by Kramer, motion approved.

Motion to approve the March 17, 2016 meeting minutes made by Burger, seconded by Herman, motion approved.

Kramer read the payments for approval. Claims from the General Fund in the amount of $3,193.12 for electricity, LP, internet, bond fees, printer maintenance, website update, voice recorder, and lobbyist expenses were presented. Claims from the Debt Service Fund for $359,323.75 for GO Bond principal and interest due were presented. Claims from the Dam/Spillway Rebuild Fund in the amount of $351,040.02 for dam operations, Phase 2 payment, mitigation work, and engineering services were presented. Burger motioned to approve the payments as read, Herman seconded, motion approved.

Kramer presented the financial reports. The General Fund had revenues of $68,662.52 from Delaware County and expenditures of $65,934.29, ending March at $261,789.75. The Debt Service Fund had revenues of $156,289.91 from Delaware County and no expenditures, ending March at $350,199.13. The Dam/Spillway Project Fund had revenues of $547,166.63 from the DNR, Community Fund to Rebuild Lake Delhi, and Delaware County reimbursements, and expenditures of $306,244.44, ending March at $3,589.883.19. Herman motioned to receive and file the financial reports as read, Burger seconded, motion approved.

Kramer presented Lunda Change Orders #34, 36, 37, and 38. Lunda Change Order #34 for $1,639.05 was for electrical work. Lunda Change Order #36 for $427.66 was for debris cleanout from the wicket gates. Lunda Change Order #37 for $379.63 was for a plugged pipe cleanout. Lunda Change Order #38 for $392.44 was for cutting a railing leading to the electrical room for safety concerns. These change orders were reviewed and approved previously by Colgan. Herman motioned to approve the change orders as read, Kramer seconded, motion approved.

Herman motioned to authorize Delaware County to conduct the Trustee election on July 19th, Burger seconded. The deadline for registration is not known but will be posted on the webpage. Motion approved.

Burger motioned to authorize Delaware County Auditor to make the Debt Service fund payments as previously approved, Herman seconded, motion approved.

Leonard read committee updates.

The Lake Bed Cleanup Committee states that they are busy contacting appropriate property owners to remove remaining debris and are having good success. The Committee urges the public to contact any trustee about remaining debris locations, and a member of the Board will contact the appropriate property owner for removal.

The Dredge Committee had no updates.

The Dam Construction Committee states that the concrete work is planned to be complete within the next weekend or very early next week. Earthwork will follow the concrete work, and then the temporary cofferdam will be removed. The current planned lake beginning fill date is target as soon as May 20th or the later part of May weather permitting. Gate 2 is being reviewed by Lunda Construction and Bill Holman due to a potential issue and to develop an action plan but it is currently too premature to know timeframes, details, or potential impact on the lake fill date.

The Water Quality and Funding/Finance Committees had no updates.

The Legislative Committee states that lobbyists are actively working toward the Maquoketa River Watershed Authority and including Lake Delhi on lists such as the Public Lake list and the Lake Restoration program through the State of Iowa. This will be reviewed in the coming weeks.

A new committee has been created for a Lake Celebration event with approximately 20 volunteers attending a meeting this past week to plan for an opening celebration the weekend of July 23rd-24th to coincide with the 6-year anniversary of the dam breach. A large celebration with various activities including fireworks, food, venues, music, kids’ events, and other items is being discussed, and more details will be coming in the next few weeks.

The floor was open for public comment.

Jim Locke asked what the total finance charge on the $6 million bond will be once paid. The specific number was not available, but the current interest rate is 4.5% and the Board is looking into refinance options due to current low interest rates. More information on that will be coming at the next meeting.

Dave Larson asked when the sluice tubes underneath the dam would be removed. It was clarified that gates cannot be removed but will be shut at the very end stages of the cofferdam removal.

Barb DeKlotz asked which trustees are up for reelection. It was confirmed that Todd Gifford and Lamont Davidson are up for reelection.

Jim Locke asked if all environmental tasks had been taken care of. It was confirmed there were three main areas that the Corps of Engineers required mitigation regarding. One is complete, one is near completion, and the final cannot be completed until the lake is refilled. An agreement with the Corps has been reached regarding this final area.

Herman motioned to adjourn, Kramer seconded. Meeting adjourned at 7:00 PM.

Comments are closed.