Minutes – Sunday, November 19, 2017

The Combined Lake Delhi Recreational Facility and Water Quality District

Special Meeting

Sunday, November 19, 2017

11::00 a.m.

Lake Delhi Trustees Administration Building

Delhi, IA


A special meeting of The Combined Lake Delhi Recreational Facility and Water Quality District was called to order by President Steve Leonard at 11:00 a.m.

Trustees present: Leonard, Kramer, Herman, Staebell, Burger, (Gifford& Havertape by phone)

Trustees absent: None

Visitors: Ed Schmidt, Jim Locke, Ed Winfield, Larry Aschbrenner, Bill & Marcheta Cooey-Lux

Leonard asked that the agenda be modify to include Resolution 11.19.17. Motion to approve agenda with that modification was made by Gifford, second by Burger. Motion carried.

Leonard gave an overview of the proposed resolution regarding a FEMA closeout agreement on projects 5422 and 10029. The District received $1,116,319.58 for PW5422. It was determined by FEMA and Homeland Security that an additional $1,101.41 was due the District. The District received $1,528,407.45 for PW10029 which was for dredging. It was determined by FEMA and Homeland Security that the District was overpaid by $13,537.65. The remaining amount due from the District is $12,436.24. Herman added that the reason we owed money was because the money from FEMA was given to the District up front and the money being returned was not expended by the District or was used for non-eligible expenses such as payment for trees.

Gifford asked if Herman, who is the District’s FEMA administrator, if he was reasonably sure that by the District taking action to pay back the $12,436.24, the projects would be closed out. Herman said he felt very confident that this would complete the projects. He stated there maybe some paperwork to finish with Homeland Security and that is normal because the state doesn’t finalize their closeout until FEMA is finished. Burger asked if the state looks at the projects differently than FEMA. Herman said that the state has been involved since the beginning so they wouldn’t be starting over with another review.

Leonard mentioned that there is an agreement that was reached with DCCI some time ago that allowed for the owner, Dave Fink, to build a position to get additional funding from FEMA for any un-recovered expenses but in conversations with Dave Fink he has stated he wants to have the closeout completed for the benefit of the community and himself and would not be pursuing further FEMA funds.

Burger and the Board thanked Herman for all the work he has done to get these projects closed out.

A motion was made by Burger, second by Kramer to approve Resolution 11.19.17 authorizing the Delaware County Auditor to issue payment of $12, 436.24 to Homeland Security that relates to PW 5422 and PW 10039, Federal Disaster #1763.   Motion carried.

Leonard opened the meeting up for public comment. Jim Locke said he thought the total cost for the 2008 projects was around $4,000,000. Herman stated that these two projects were for a little over $2.6 million and that PW6125 for riprap had been closed out some time ago. There were a couple of other small projects that have also been closed out. The total amount was around $3.5 million.

Larry Aschbrenner asked if the District is now done with FEMA. Herman stated there a couple of small projects that the District has applied for FEMA funding relating to repair of rip rap and repair at Lost Beach. Those two projects received initial approval but it’s too early to tell if the District will receive any funds for them.

With no other public comment, a motion was made by Burger, second by Staebell to adjourn. Motion carried.







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