Minutes – Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Combined Lake Delhi Recreational Facility and Water Quality District

Thursday, September 19, 2019

6:30 pm

Lake Delhi Trustees Administration Building

Delhi, IA 52223


The regular meeting of the Combined Lake Delhi Recreational Facility and Water Quality District was called to order at 6:30 pm by President Staebell.

Trustees present: Staebell, Davidson, Burger, Herman, Leonard and Althoff

Absent: Schermann

Visitors: Bruce & Margie Schneider, Wanda Davidson, Pat Colgan, Mary & Ken Kray, Dakota Drish, Dan Recker, Larry Aschbrenner and Linda Slobodnick.

Staebell asked for a motion to approve the meeting agenda. A motion was made by Herman, seconded by Burger. Motion carried.

Motion to approve the minutes of previous meetings was made by Leonard, seconded by Davidson. Motion carried.

Claims were presented for payment in the amount of $8,705.72 from the General Fund for electricity, internet services, dam operation services, printer maintenance, lobbyist expense, clerical expense, beach cleanup, port-a-potties, and use of a boom truck. Burger noted that an additional invoice from ICAP for renewal of the District’s blanket insurance was received and should be added to the claims. The cost is $6,826.00.   A motion was made by Burger to accept the claims as presented. Seconded by Herman. Motion carried.

August financial reports were presented. The General Fund had revenues of $44,872.96 from Delaware County. Expenditures for August were $33,857.18 ending August at $1,847,180.80. The Debt Service Fund had revenues of $55,796.64 from Delaware County with no expenditures, ending August at $94,973.83. The Dam Improvement Fund had no revenues or expenditures ending August with a $30,000.00 balance. A motion was made by Herman to receive and file the August financial report. Althoff seconded the motion. Motion carried.

The Board reviewed a proposal from IIHR-Hydroscience & Engineering from the University of Iowa. Staebell gave a brief overview of the proposal which included water quality and sediment monitoring on Lake Delhi.   Chris Jones from the University of Iowa was available by phone to discuss the process that occurred to get to this point of presenting the modeling proposal. the water quality and various spots within the lake. This would be done in biweekly intervals. Staebell noted that the Board needed to look at the proposal and decide how much if anything they want the engineers to do for the lake and he asked for input from the Board. Questions concerning startup costs and timelines were raised.

Leonard also suggested taking the proposal to the Maquoketa River Watershed Committee as there may be other areas of the Maquoketa River that would benefit. Staebell asked if the Board would want to consider tabling any action on the proposal until the Water Quality Committee has more time to review and gather more information. Davidson made the motion to table, seconded by Burger. Herman noted that he felt the studies are very important before any dredging projects would be considered. He also said he thought there may be an opportunity of cost sharing with other entities. With no other comment, Staebell asked of vote. All ayes. Motion carried.

The next agenda item was an update from the DNR. Staebell introduced Dakota Drish. Dakota said he has been covering Delaware County for about a year. He also serves Black Hawk and Buchanan counties. He noted that as a DNR probation officer his focus is on hunting, fishing, trapping, snowmobiling, ATV and boating.   As a member of the DNR law enforcement bureau, the key object is education and enforcement. He spoke about dock enforcement and noted that Sue from the Delaware County office takes care of monitoring permits and if there are issues she notifies him to address it.   He stated the dock signs are important not just to the DNR for law enforcement and emergency responders if there’s been a boating accident, drowning, etc. Permits allow for these personnel to get to areas quicker. He noted prior to the dam failure in 2010 there was a DNR presence on the lake. After that event the DNR made the decision that they would no longer patrol Lake Delhi on a routine basis. The DNR is working with local law enforcement to patrol the lake with the main focus being on having a presence at lake events such as Christmas on the Lake. Staebell asked if the Trustees had any questions. Davidson said after the added public access there are more boaters than ever before he feels there needs to be more enforcement because of that. Leonard thanked the DNR for cooperating with our lake events and helping with permits. He said educating the public is very important because of the new boaters that are coming to Lake Delhi. Dakota said he wasn’t getting calls about these situations but in fact he’s been getting push back from people on the lake. He said because of the push back he was advised that he would not be patrolling the lake. Herman asked Dakota who is supposed to monitor the lifts and docks that are in unacceptable condition. Dakota said it is the responsibility of the DNR. A question was raised on how a person can contact the DNR if they have concerns or questions. Dakota said there are DNR personnel that are assigned to handle simple misdeamenors.   Staebell said he would contact Dakota at a later time to get more contact information. Dakota said his phone number is available to anyone who needs it.

The next agenda item was consideration and possible action on a resolution to approve the closing statement and approval of the execution and issuance of a Quit Claim deed to Linda Slobodnik.  Staebell asked Herman to review the documents that were drafted. He discussed the Quit Claim Deed along with the closing statement and the plat survey. Slobodnik mentioned that she hadn’t received an invoice for the survey which has delayed the recording of the deed. Herman said he felt that can be resolved but the survey does need to be filed ahead of the quit claim deed so it has a book and page number inserted.   After further discussion, a motion was made by Davidson, seconded by Burger to approve the resolution as presented. Staebell asked for a roll call vote.

Davidson – Aye

Althoff – Aye

Herman – Aye

Burger – Aye

Leonard – Aye

Staebell – Aye

Schermann – Absent

Motion carried.

Committee Updates:

Community Quality of Life – Lenard said he is expecting the final drawings any day and Culvers is expected to start the wall project yet this fall.

Property, Assets & Dam – Davidson noted that there was a pile of debris similar to a beaver dam location by the sluice gate and on August 28 it was removed. The project took about 7-8 hours and it went very well. Cleanup is being done around the Scada Office.

Finance & Budget – Burger said he is working on the bond debt capacity and will be reviewing his worksheets with the finance committee.

Public Comment:

Pat Colgan noted that mowing needs to be done near the tank by the power plant. He said he enjoyed the conversation with the University of Iowa. He noted main flood events occur in the summer and fall. He encouraged monitoring during normal flows to maintain a base line.

Linda Slobodnik stated she felt monitoring should not cost as much as has been proposed and any data should be owned by the District.

A motion to adjourn was made by Davidson, second by Althoff. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.






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