Minutes – Thursday, March 19, 2020

The Combined Lake Delhi Recreational Facility and Water Quality District

Thursday, March 19, 2020

6:30 pm

Lake Delhi Trustees Administration Building

Delhi, IA 52223


The regular meeting of the Combined Lake Delhi Recreational Facility and Water Quality District was called to order at 6:30 pm by President Dan Staebell.

Trustees present: Staebell, Davidson and Herman. Scherrman, Leonard, Althoff and Burger by phone


Visitors: Wanda Davidson

Staebell asked for a motion to approve the meeting agenda. A motion was made by Davidson, seconded by Herman. Motion carried.

Motion to approve the minutes of previous meetings was made by Herman, seconded by Davidson. Motion carried.

Claims were presented for payment in the amount of $6,185.65 from the General Fund for electricity, internet services, dam operation services, printer maintenance, lobbyist expense, clerical expense and publication expense. A motion was made by Davidson to accept the claims as presented. Seconded by Herman. Motion carried.

February financial reports were presented. The General Fund had revenues of $11,773.95 from Delaware County. Expenditures for February were $12.401.64 ending February at $1,943,232.41. The Debt Service Fund had revenues of $11,370.78 from Delaware County with no expenditures, ending February at $83,794.07. The Dam Improvement Fund had no revenues or expenditures ending February with a $30,000.00 balance. A motion was made by Herman to receive and file the February financial report. Davidson seconded the motion. Motion carried.

The Board considered contracting for beach and lawn maintenance. Mitch Stender is interested in continuing to provide this service. The cost would remain the same at $50.00 for the first hour and $35.00 per hour after that. Davidson suggested this work should be done on a “need” basis. Beach maintenance is done on a weekly basis. Davidson made a motion to contract with Stender, Herman seconded the motion. Staebell noted that he will continue to maintain North Beach for the time being. Motion carried.

Consideration and possible action on allowing the Hartwick Husky’s using Lost Beach for the 2020 ski show. The date is Saturday, July 11th. The Husky’s will provide proof of insurance and the Trustees will provide additional port-a-potties. A motion was made by Herman to approve the event based on proof of insurance. Davidson seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Herman made a motion to approve an amendment made by the MRWMA to change their meetings from being conducted quarterly to holding the meetings semi-annually. Davidson seconded the motion. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Herman, second by Davidson to approve Steve Leonard as primary contact to the MRWMA for the Trustees. In the event Leonard is unavailable, Staebell would be the secondary contact. Motion carried.

The Board considered a resolution on conducting water sampling. The sampling would cost $18.00 per test site. There are possible 13 sites that could be tested. The recommendation is to test three times per year. Herman suggested doing all 13 sites the first year and if samples are good at certain sites the number of sites could be reduced. Annual cost for 13 sites would be a little over $700. Sampling is scheduled for May 19, June 23 and August 11. Staebell asked if more samplings could be done especially after high water events and do the samplings become public. Herman stated that there would be a public record of the samplings and if we have concerning results the public would be notified. He also stated that normal sampling is not done after a high water event.   Davidson made a motion to conduct sampling at the 13 sites suggested on the suggested dates. Herman seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Because of the concerns over the COVD19 epidemic the Board discussed how best to handle monthly meeting in the coming months.   Options included an all call-in meeting, possibly using ZOOM to meet or cancel the April meeting for now. Staebell opened it up for discussion.   Leonard suggested canceling the April meeting unless some action item would require a meeting. A motion was made by Herman, second by Scherrman to cancel the April meeting and allow Staebell to approve necessary expenditures. Motion carried.

Committee Updates:

Leonard informed the Board that he did talk to Bill Holman from Stanley Consultants regarding the Wall of Recognition design. Holman plans to provide the final documents that will be given to the DNR for final approval of the site. Holman also stated he will be giving the Trustees his final dam inspection report in the near future. Leonard stated he is still waiting to hear from Holman regarding the dredge site review.

A motion to adjourn was made by Davidson, second by Herman. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 7:04 p.m.

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