The Combined Lake Delhi Recreational Facility and Water Quality District
Wednesday, July 20, 2022
5:00 pm
Lake Delhi Office
Delhi, IA 52223
The regular meeting of the Combined Lake Delhi Recreational Facility and Water Quality District was called to order at 5:00 pm by President Burger.
Present: Burger, Althoff, Jasper, Staebell, Scherrman. Leonard by Zoom
Absent: Thompson
Visitors: Laurie Kramer, Ed Schmidt, Pat Colgan and Randy Rattenborg
Burger asked for a motion to approve the meeting agenda. A motion was made by Scherrman. seconded by Staebell to approve the agenda. All ayes. Motion carried.
A motion to approve minutes from previous meetings was made by Scherrman, seconded by Jasper. All ayes. Motion carried.
The Board reviewed claims from the General Fund as presented. Claims included utilities, maintenance contract, clerical expense, lobbyist expense, miscellaneous supplies, concrete walkway, beach maintenance, and internet expense. Claims totaled $23,414.37. Motion was made by Scherrman, second by Staebell. All ayes. Motion carried.
June financial reports were presented. The General Fund had revenues of $11,071.64 from Delaware County. Expenditures for June were $30,117.49 ending June at $2,019,976.75. The Debt Service Fund had revenues of $1,581.36 from Delaware County with no expenditures ending June at $190,639.23. The Dam Improvement Fund had no revenues and no expenditures ending June with a $60,000.00 balance. The Lake Impoundment Fund had revenues of $216.82 and expenditures of $21,255.00 ending June with a balance of $371,712.68. A motion was made by Leonard to receive and file the June financial report. Staebell seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Althoff, second by Leonard to appoint Doug Herman as the FEMA authorized representative for the Lake District. All ayes. Motion carried.
Staebell made a motion to receive and file the communications from FEMA regarding the fulfillment of the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) Section 106. Scherrman seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Althoff to receive and file the DNR Dam Inspection Report issued on December 1, 2021. Scherrman seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion carried.
Committee Updates:
Water Quality – It was noted that questions have been raised within the community about water quality because of other lake water contamination. Leonard noted that we are doing water testing and there’s no reason for concern. He also said he would reach out for the testing results from the last two testing events.
Community Events – Leonard noted that everything is in place for Christmas on the Lake on August 6th and the fireworks on August 13th.
Operations & Maintenance – Althoff noted that Colgan has been down to the powerhouse to look at the internal concrete and reported that it looks great. There are some exterior spots on the road that they are looking to get sealed up. It not a major concern at this time but will need to be repaired in the near future. They also discussed tracking maintenance items and establishing a checklist for the dam volunteers. Colgan noted that while the dam is only 6-years old, problems have started to arise that need to be documented and he has been working with Andrew Judd to produce a 20-year maintenance plan that will be used to help identify issues before they become a problem. There was discussion regarding Burrington Group’s role in the maintenance of the dam. Colgan addressed the question stating that Burrington Group was hired in the beginning to be a 24-hour on-call service. Their role is not to maintain the dam but to respond to issues when they arise.
Property Management – There was discussion on cleaning the Scada Office noting that a countertop and cabinets along with a sink need to be installed to the cleaning process can begin.
Budget & Finance – Burger noted that the District finished the year under budget.
Legislative – No new updates
Dredge – Leonard said the committee has been meeting with the engineering firm exploring options related to sedimentation removal and the creation of a siltation trap. He noted that the District may need to hire additional engineering services and he will have more information at next month’s meeting. The additional cost for the engineering services will be paid from part of the grant money that was received.
Wall of Recognition – Leonard stated he met with Gifford, Colgan and Burger to develop a proposal for the project. Burger noted that the proposal will be for design work as well as cost. Leonard stated they have potentially twenty possible contractors.
Public Comment: None
Staebell congratulated Althoff and Scherrman for being re-elected to the Board.
A motion to adjourn was made by Staebell, second by Scherrman. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 5:37 p.m.