The Combined Lake Delhi Recreational Facility and Water Quality District
Wednesday, November 16, 2022
5:00 pm
Lake Delhi Office
Delhi, IA 52223
The regular meeting of the Combined Lake Delhi Recreational Facility and Water Quality District was called to order at 5:00 pm by Vice-President Althoff.
Present: Althoff, Scherrman, Leonard and Jasper. Kramer and Staebell by Zoom
Absent: Burger and Thomspon
Visitors: Larry Aschbrenner. Ed Schmidt, Doug Herman, Randy Rattenborg and Stacy Law via Zoom
Althoff asked for a motion to approve the meeting agenda. A motion was made by Scherrman, seconded by Leonard to approve the agenda. All ayes. Motion carried.
A motion to approve minutes from previous meetings was made by Scherrman, seconded by Leonard. All ayes. Motion carried.
The Board reviewed claims from the General Fund as presented. Claims included utilities, maintenance contract, clerical expense, lobbyist expense, beach maintenance, plumbing at office, copier expense, rent of equipment. Claims totaled $5,670.03. A motion was made by Staebell, seconded by Scherrman to approval all claims. All ayes. Motion carried.
October financial reports were presented. The General Fund had revenues of $26,925.11 from Delaware County. Expenditures for October were $33,026.52 ending October at $2,264,137.50. The Debt Service Fund had revenues of $34,918.25 from Delaware County and expenditures of $236,608.20 ending October at $296,729.43. The Dam Improvement Fund had no revenues and no expenditures ending October with a $60,000.00 balance. The Lake Impoundment Fund had revenues of $197.76 with no expenditures ending October with a balance of $366,414.13. A motion was made by Staebell, seconded by Jasper to receive and file the October financial report. All ayes. Motion carried.
The Board considered a request for approval of a transfer of waterfront property to Josh Seamans, owner of Part of Lot 6, Parcel K and additional grounds located within Littlefield’s Lake Shore. Doug Herman was present to discuss the current district policy on transfer of property. After much discussion, the consensus was to approve the transfer of property as was set by current policy to approve center to the cove but in addition add language that will allow the District to do maintenance and/or dredging along with having flooding rights in that area as needed. The transfer will also include the transfee pay the fees as set out by current policy. Dan Staebell made the motion to approve based on those conditions. Leonard seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion carried.
The Board next considered a request on a transfer of any interest of title for Lots 4 & 5 of Littlefield’s Lake Shore and adjacent lake frontage from David and Janice Cornell. After some discussion a motion was made by Leonard, second by Staebell to approve a new Quit Claim deed to the Cornell’s with the added language regarding the District’s rights to do maintenance and/or dredging along with having flooding rights on their lake bed property. All ayes. Motion carried. Herman asked if the Board would like to see the signed documents before the President Burger signs. The consensus was to bring back to the Board before signing.
Consideration and possible action on the amendment of the easement known as Injun Joe for the purpose of ingress and egress was discussed. Herman noted that at the last meeting the Board approved a resolution to approve was passed but then there was additional discussion regarding asking for rights for emergency access & maintenance. The property owner has agreed to the new language Leonard made a motion to approve the amended easement agreement for maintenance rights. Scherrman seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion carried.
Committee Updates:
Water Quality – Leonard noted that Brennan Co. came out along with Andrew Judd to review the dredge site and other options of sediment placement sites. He said he is hoping for more information to come out at the December meeting. Leonard suggested that the Board consider a work session to review dredge options moving forward.
Community Events – No update
Operations & Maintenance –Althoff noted the heater was repaired in the powerhouse. Rattenborg met with Taylor Construction regarding the coating on the dam deck. He’s looking for option to maintain the deck to keep the water from filtering into the powerhouse. He’s hoping to have options provided in January.
Property Management – Jasper suggested going out for bid for port-a-potties. It was suggested the District goes out for bid next spring. Scherrman expressed concern regarding an easement to North Beach. There was discussion about what rights the District has to access to the property.
Budget & Finance – No update
Legislative – Leonard updated the Board. A DNR application was completed for maintenance and dredging . He’s hoping for more information in the next few weeks.
Dredge – No update
Wall of Recognition – Leonard is still working on a final package for a quote for the wall.
Public Comment: Pasker asked if the DNR grant requires a 50% match. Leonard noted that’s correct.
Questions were asked regarding new zoning ordinances. Herman will keep the Board updated.
A motion to adjourn was made by Jasper, second by Leonard. All ayes. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 5:57 p.m.