Minutes – Wednesday, January 18, 2023

The Combined Lake Delhi Recreational Facility and Water Quality District

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

5:00 pm

Lake Delhi Office

Delhi, IA 52223


The regular meeting of the Combined Lake Delhi Recreational Facility and Water Quality District was called to order at 5:00 pm by President Burger.

Present: Burger, Althoff, Scherrman, Jasper, Thompson   Staebell and Leonard via Zoom

Absent: None

Visitors via Zoom: Laurie Kramer, Ed Schmidt, Randy Rattenborg, Lori Tucker and Pat Colgan

Burger asked for a motion to approve the meeting agenda. A motion was made by Scherrman, seconded by Jasper to approve the agenda. All ayes. Motion carried.

A motion to approve minutes from previous meetings was made by Althoff, seconded by Scherrman. All ayes. Motion carried.

The Board reviewed claims from the General Fund as presented.   Claims included utilities, maintenance contract, clerical expense, lobbyist expense, copier expense, auditor fees, engineering services for DNR grant, dam repairs, misc. expenses and payment to Maquoketa River WMA. Claims totaled $28,241.07 from the General Fund and $20,345.00 from Fund 81005 . A motion was made by Thompson, seconded by Leonard to approval all claims. All ayes. Motion carried.

December financial reports were presented. The General Fund had revenues of $5,084.76 from Delaware County. Expenditures for December were $19,075.38 ending December at $2,253,345.82. The Debt Service Fund had revenues of $4,993.39 from Delaware County and no expenditures ending December at $311,773.16. The Dam Improvement Fund had no revenues and no expenditures ending December with a $60,000.00 balance. The Lake Impoundment Fund had revenues of $226.14 with no expenditures ending December with a balance of $366,877.49. A motion was made by Althoff, seconded by Jasper to receive and file the December financial report. All ayes. Motion carried.

Staebell made a motion to hold a public hearing regarding the FY24 budget on March 8, 2023. Leonard seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Scherrman, seconded by Jasper to approve participation in the water quality testing for 2023. Leonard asked that the motion include other costs associated with the testing. All ayes. Motion carried.

The Trustees considered a request from Delhi Boats to continue the lease of the area next to the boat ramp at the dam. The amount of the least is $7,500 which begins April 1, 2023. It was noted that there’s also an informal agreement that Jeremy Klima will do snow removal and assist with debris removal from the spillway. Motion to approve the lease was made by Scherrman, seconded by Staebell. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Thompson, seconded by Staebell to approve the On-Stream Grant Agreement with the DNR and allow Leonard, as the Trustee contact person, to sign said agreement. All ayes. Motion carried.

The Trustees considered a motion to contract with Lori Tucker to take board minutes and also begin training with Laurie Kramer to replace her with the clerical/accounting duties. A motion was made by Leonard, second by Staebell to allow Burger to negotiate with Tucker regarding the position and payment. All ayes. Motion carried.


The next agenda item was a request from Kramer to raise her monthly contracted payment from $400/month to $500/month. Burger noted that Kramer has been paid at a rate of $400/month since 2017 and while she will no longer take minutes her extra duties will include training her replacement. Motion was made by Leonard, second by Thompson to approve the request. After some discussion, Burger asked for a vote. All ayes. Motion carried.

Committee Updates:

Water Quality – It was noted that the Trustees will be holding a work session on Friday, January 27, 2023 starting at 8:30 at the Lake Office to review the DNR grants and timelines for completion.

Community Events – No update

Operations & Maintenance – No additional update

Property Management – No update

Budget & Finance – The finance committee met on Saturday, January 14, 2023, to discuss the 2023-2024 fiscal year budget that is due to be certified in March of 2023. Kramer noted that the budget needs to be approved by March 15th.

Legislative – Leonard noted that the new session has begun

Dredge – No update

Wall of Recognition – No update


Public Comment: A question was raised if the DNR needs to be contacted in the spring to lower lake levels for possible repairs. Colgan noted that maintenance needs to be addressed this summer.

A motion to adjourn was made by Scherrman, second by Thompson. All ayes. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 5:41 p.m.



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