Trustee Agenday – Wednesday, May 17, 2023

The Combined Lake Delhi Recreational Facility and Water Quality District

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

5:00 p.m.

Lake Delhi Scada Office

South Side of Dam

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  1. Call to Order
  2. Approve Agenda
  3. Consideration and approval of minutes of Previous Meetings
  4. Consideration and approval of Payments
  5. Review Financial Report
  6. Consideration and possible action on a resolution to transfer a designated amount into a Dam Improvement Fund as required by the 28E Agreement with the County Supervisors filed in January of 2014
  7. Consideration and possible action on retaining Terpstra Hoke & Associates to audit and provide a compilation report for FY22
  8. Consideration and possible action to sign a contract with J.F. Brennan Corporation, for underwater dam repairs as indemnified in the underwater dive report at an estimated cost of $170,000.
  9. Consideration and possible action on Lunda contract rates for annual gate maintenance for 2023
  10. Consideration and possible action on developing a catwalk design for the purpose of creating a bid request
  11. Consideration and possible action on contract with J & M Display for fireworks
  12. Consideration and possible action on the lease with Delhi Boats
  13. Consideration and possible action of rental of Lost Beach area for apparel sales
  14. Consideration and possible action allowing the LDRA to use trustee property for the Beach, Band & Boat event scheduled for June 17, 2023
  15. Committee Updates
  1. Water Quality & Sediment Control (Leonard, Althoff, Scherrman)
  2. Community Events & Activities (Leonard, Scherrman, Jasper)
  3. Dam Operations & Maintenance (Burger, Jasper, Althoff)
  4. Property Management (Scherrman, Jasper, Thompson)
  5. Finance & Budget (Burger, Althoff, Staebell)
  6. Legislative (Leonard, Burger, Staebell)
  7. Dredge (Staebell, Leonard, Thompson)
  1. Public Comment
  2. Adjourn

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