The Combined Lake Delhi Recreational Facility and Water Quality District
Wednesday, May 17, 2023
5:00 p.m.
Lake Delhi Scada Office
South Side of Dam
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- Call to Order
- Approve Agenda
- Consideration and approval of minutes of Previous Meetings
- Consideration and approval of Payments
- Review Financial Report
- Consideration and possible action on a resolution to transfer a designated amount into a Dam Improvement Fund as required by the 28E Agreement with the County Supervisors filed in January of 2014
- Consideration and possible action on retaining Terpstra Hoke & Associates to audit and provide a compilation report for FY22
- Consideration and possible action to sign a contract with J.F. Brennan Corporation, for underwater dam repairs as indemnified in the underwater dive report at an estimated cost of $170,000.
- Consideration and possible action on Lunda contract rates for annual gate maintenance for 2023
- Consideration and possible action on developing a catwalk design for the purpose of creating a bid request
- Consideration and possible action on contract with J & M Display for fireworks
- Consideration and possible action on the lease with Delhi Boats
- Consideration and possible action of rental of Lost Beach area for apparel sales
- Consideration and possible action allowing the LDRA to use trustee property for the Beach, Band & Boat event scheduled for June 17, 2023
- Committee Updates
- Water Quality & Sediment Control (Leonard, Althoff, Scherrman)
- Community Events & Activities (Leonard, Scherrman, Jasper)
- Dam Operations & Maintenance (Burger, Jasper, Althoff)
- Property Management (Scherrman, Jasper, Thompson)
- Finance & Budget (Burger, Althoff, Staebell)
- Legislative (Leonard, Burger, Staebell)
- Dredge (Staebell, Leonard, Thompson)
- Public Comment
- Adjourn