Trustee Agenda – Wednesday, August 16, 2023

The Combined Lake Delhi Recreational Facility and Water Quality District

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

5:00 p.m.

Lake Delhi Scada Office

South Side of Dam

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Meeting ID: 373 174 3352

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  1. Call to Order
  2. Approve Agenda
  3. Election of Officers
  4. Consideration and approval of minutes of Previous Meetings
  5. Consideration and approval of Payments
  6. Review Financial Report
  7. Consideration and possible action on proposal from Munson Electric for removal and repair of the old rake power cabinet.
  8. Consideration and possible action of Wetlands Study near District Dredge site
  9. Consideration and possible action on Bid Package Preparation for Siltation Trap/Dredge Plan
  10. Discussion on appointments to 2023-2024 committees
  11. Committee Updates
  1. Water Quality & Sediment Control (Leonard, Althoff, Scherrman)
  2. Community Events & Activities (Leonard, Scherrman, Vacancy)
  3. Dam Operations & Maintenance (Burger, Vacancy, Althoff)
  4. Property Management (Scherrman, Vacancy, Thompson)
  5. Finance & Budget (Burger, Althoff, Staebell)
  6. Legislative (Leonard, Burger, Staebell)
  7. Dredge (Staebell, Leonard, Thompson)
  8. Wall of Recognition (Leonard, Burger, Staebell)
  1. Public Comment
  2. Adjourn


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