Minutes – Trustee Meeting – Wednesday, August 21, 2024

The Combined Lake Delhi Recreational Facility and Water Quality District Wednesday, August 21, 2024

5:00 pm

Lake Delhi Office Delhi, IA 52223

The regular meeting of the Combined Lake Delhi Recreational Facility and Water Quality District was held and called to order at 5:02 pm by President Althoff.

Present: Burger, Althoff, Thompson, Scherrman, Staebell, Beals and Leonard via Zoom.

Absent: None

Visitors: Randy Rattenborg, Ed Schmidt and Doug Herman

Support Staff via Zoom: Laurie Kramer

Althoff asked for a motion to approve the meeting agenda with the addition of an agenda item to swear in re-elected trustees, Larry Burger and Mark Thompson. A motion was made by Scherrman, second by Beals to approve the amended agenda. All ayes. Motion carried.

Althoff administered the Oat of Office to Burger and Thompson. The election of officers was next on the agenda. Staebell made a motion to maintain the current officers and Thompson seconded the motion. The motion to retain Althoff as President, Burger as Vice-President and Scherrmann as Secretary/Treasurer was approve with all ayes. Motion carried.

A motion to approve minutes from previous meetings was made by Leonard, seconded by Beals. All ayes. Motion carried.

The Board reviewed claims from the General Fund (81000) as presented. Claims included utilities, maintenance contract, clerical expense, lobbyist expense, legal fees, copier expense, lawn maintenance, Zoom renewal and bond fee. Claims totaled $8,516.68 from the General Fund. A motion was made by Staebell, seconded by Leonard to approval all claims. All ayes. Motion carried.

July financial reports were presented. The General Fund received no property taxes for the month and interest of $9,935.36. Expenditures for July were $12,381.53 ending July at $2,243,681.75. The Debt Service Fund received no property tax for the month of July and $1,294.13 interest with no expenditures ending July at $315,761.93. The Dam Improvement Fund had no revenues and no expenditures ending July with a $70,000.00 balance. The Lake Improvement Fund had $1,646.63 in interest revenues and no expenditures ending July with a balance of $252,350.52. The Grant #2 Fund had revenues of $1,461.64 interest and no expenses ending July with a balance of $396,646.09. A motion was made by Staebell, second by Burger to receive and file the July financial report. All ayes. Motion carried.

The trustees considered an agenda item from Munson Electric for powerhouse lighting. After much discussion a motion was made by Staebell, seconded by Thompson to table any action and asked that Rattenborg develop a scope of work for inside and outside lighting and bring back to the next meeting. All ayes. Motion carried

Staebell presented bids from Kluesner Construction and Neuhaus Construction for a roadway on the north side of the dam down to the powerhouse. Staebell stated that he received a quote from Kluesner for a 4” asphalt roadway in the amount of $18,900. The quote for a concrete roadway from Neuhaus came in at $28,350. Staebell made a motion to accept the quote from Kluesner for the 4” asphalt. Burger seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion carried.

Althoff gave the trustees an overview of the action item regarding a Brennan Hydrographic Survey. This survey is a high-tech scan that will point out any issues above and below the dam such as scouring. Rattenborg explained that Brennan will use lidar to go under the water and detect any issues that could be potential problems. The cost is around $27,000 and would qualify for payment through Grant #2 with the DNR. A motion was made by Leonard, second by Burger to approve moving forward with the survey. All ayes. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Leonard, second by Beals to approve the software update for the Scada Computers from GS Plant Optics in the amount of $3,790. All ayes. Motion carried.

Leonard updated the trustees on an amended agreement with the Rocky Nook Association with regard to dock/lift placement. The agreement, with the DNR approval, will allow the RNA to move docks so boats can be docked going straight forward versus side-ways. There will be no extension of the current dock area. A motion was made by Leonard, second by Scherrman to approve the amended agreement. All ayes. Motion carried.

Althoff explained he next agenda item regarding the purchase of a man-lift was to get the Board’s input on what options are available to solve the safety issues at the dam. Rattenborg stated that a man-lift would need to be between 50’-60’ for the needs at the powerhouse. There was also discussion about a catwalk and what the cost and benefit of installing that would be. Leonard made a motion to table any action until a proposal for a lift size, maintenance on the lift and storage is brought back to the board. Staebell seconded the motion. Althoff called for a vote. All ayes except Thompson who voted nay. Motion carried.

The next item on the agenda was for the purchase of two more actuators for the dam. Althoff explained that in discussions with Andrew Judd from HDR Engineering the recommendation would be to purchase two additional actuators that could be funded in part with the Grant #2 monies. After some discussion, Burger made the motion to purchase the additional actuators at a cost of $43,500. Thompson seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion carried.

It was noted that Doug Herman arrived at 5:30 p.m.

Leonard reported on the progress of the Wall of Recognition and noted that he would like the board to consider some slight modification on the wall and it’s location. The contractor recommended changing the monument ramps from two large ramps to four smaller ones due to the number of names that will go on the monuments. This comes at no extra cost to the trustees. He also noted that because of this, the recommendation is to shift the area slightly to the south to allow for emergency access. Leonard stated they still hope to start the process this fall but it could go into next spring. Motion by Staebell, second by Scherrman to approve the changes. All ayes. Motion carried.

Leonard next reported on a proposal for wind sails near the Wall of Recognition. He noted he was approached by a family who wanted to donate the wind sails if the District would be agreeable. The family would agree to maintain the sails by putting them up in the spring and removing them in the fall. Leonard said he was asking the Board to approve agreeing to the concept and have the family come back with a full proposal of the project at the next meeting. Thompson made the motion to move forward and Beals seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion carried.

The trustees reviewed the current committees in place for the past year. Several changes were recommended. Beals made a motion to make the following changes. Staebell seconded. Legislative, Community Events, Activities and Wall of Recognition: Leonard (Chair), Beals and Scherrman Water Quality: Leonard (Chair), Scherrman and Beals Dredge: Staebell (Chair), Burger, Thompson Dam Operations & Property Management: Althoff (Chair), Burger, Thompson Finance & Budget: Burger (Chair), Althoff and Staebell Althoff asked for a vote on the committee appointments. All ayes. Motion carried.

Committee Updates:

Water Quality – No update Community Events, Activities, and Wall of Recognition – No update

Dam Operations & Property Management – Althoff reported that he updated a spreadsheet regarding expenditures related to Grant #2 and sent it to the trustees for review

Finance & Budget – No update Legislative – It was noted that the lobbyist contract will be reviewed at next month’s meeting

Doug Herman was present to discuss an update on the property obtain near North Beach. After much discussion, the Board requested a deed or quit claim deed be presented at next month’s meeting.

Public Comment – Ed Schmidt asked a couple of questions. One was regarding a possible reimbursement to Adam Ries for his help with the lake fireworks as he assisted the fireworks company trailer their product to the site. Kramer reported that she was aware of the request and sent it on to the LDRA for consideration. Schmidt also asked if the trustees had considered using recycled material for the road down to the powerhouse. Staebell said it was looked at but he felt the durability of the recycled material would not work for this project. A motion to adjourn was made by Staebell, seconded by Thompson. All ayes. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:24 p.m.

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