The Combined Lake Delhi Recreational Facility and Water Quality District
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
5:00 pm
Lake Delhi Office
Delhi, IA 52223
The regular meeting of the Combined Lake Delhi Recreational Facility and Water Quality District was held and called to order at 5:01 pm by President Althoff.
Present: Burger, Althoff, Thompson and Scherrman. Beals via Zoom. Leonard via Zoom at 5:02.
Absent: Staebell
Visitors: Ed Schmidt
Support Staff via Zoom: Laurie Kramer and Randy Rattenborg
Scherrman made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Beals second the motion. All ayes. Motion carried.
A motion to approve minutes from previous meetings was made by Thompson, second by Burger. All ayes. Motion carried.
The Board reviewed claims from the General Fund (81000) as presented. Claims included utilities, maintenance contract, clerical expense, office supplies, lobbyist expense, legal fees, bond fee, copier expense, dam maintenance (50%) and engineering services (50%). Claims totaled $33,850.10 from the General Fund. Claims for Fund 81006 included dam maintenance and engineering services totaling $26,816.08. A motion was made by Thompson, second by Scherrman to approve all claims. All ayes. Motion carried.
November financial reports were presented. The General Fund received $7,712.23 in property taxes for the month and interest of $9,675.88. Expenditures for November were $23,222.40 ending November at $2,496,403.51. The Debt Service Fund received $10,475.24 in property tax for the month of November and $2,490.63 in interest. There were no expenditures ending November at $540,105.08. The Dam Improvement Fund had no revenues and no expenditures ending November with a $80,000.00 balance. Grant Fund (81006) had revenues of $1,398.31 in interest and no expenditures ending November with a balance of $377,302.40. A motion was made by Scherrman, second by Thompson to receive and file the November financial report. All ayes. Motion carried.
Leonard gave an overview of a proposed lease agreement with Hartwick Marina to utilize the district property near the boat ramp along with a dock space. The current lease is up at the end of the year. Leonard has been in contact with Hartwick Marina and they are willing to enter into a 3-year lease agreement with the following proposed changes. The amount of the yearly lease would increase by 3% annually so the amount of the lease for 2025 would be $7,725.00 with 3% increase for each of the following years. Other terms of the agreement would remain the same. He also noted that the dock needs to be moved five feet away from the boat ramp. Leonard plans to work with those affected and the DNR. Beals asked who registers the dock. Leonard stated the marina will apply for it with the District’s permission. The permit will be issued by the DNR to the marina but with permission as the District as landowner. Leonard made the motion to approve the three-year agreement with the marina which includes the rate increase for each year. Burger seconded the motion for discussion purposes. Burger asked Leonard if he had approached to B & B Sports in case they have an interest. Leonard stated he had not approached any other business. Thompson asked if there will be an issue moving the dock and Leonard stated he and marina do not feel there is an issue. Burger stated he would like to amend the motion to approve a one year lease to the marina and then reach out to B & B Sports to see if they have an interest in leasing the property. If they do not have an interest, an additional two year lease could be approved after the first of the year. The one year agreement with Hartwick Marina would include the 3% rate increase. Thompson seconded the motion to amend. Leonard indicated the rate increase has not been agreed to with the marina to date but there have been discussions that a rate increase is possible. Althoff reviewed the motion to amend. Burger had made the motion to amend, second by Thompson for a one-year agreement with Hartwick Marina. All ayes. Motion to amend carried. Beals asked who would contact B & B Sports and Leonard stated he would do that. A review of the newly amended motion is as follows: Approval of a one–year agreement with Hartwick Marina for 2025 and a follow-up with B & B Sports to see if they have any interest in leasing the property in the future. If not the Board could review the lease after the first of the year to offer an extended two years to the marina. Althoff asked for a vote. All ayes. Motion carried.
The Board considered an estimate from Lunda for concrete removal in the hydrogate area. The estimate is $96,500. Rattenborg said he had conversations with Lunda about the price. Lunda came back with a reduced price of $25,880. Rattenborg stated he believes he could get other estimates that could reduce the price further. Rattenborg is not asking for any action at this time. He asked to table until he can get in touch with Iowa Wall Saw for an estimate. He will have more information for the January meeting. Scherrman made a motion to table, Beals seconded the motion. All ayes. Carried.
Rattenborg presented the Board with a proposal from Munson Electric to change the lighting in the turbine room. He stated that due to the deck leaking from above it’s starting to compromise the steel conduit and some of the lighting is not working. The proposal includes moving some of the lighting and wrapping with plastic conduit instead of steel. The cost is $4,975.00. Rattenborg stated the work could be done soon and would be part of the grant project. Burger made the motion to approve the proposal. Thompson seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion carried.
Committee Updates:
Water Quality, Legislative & Community Events – No new updates
Dredge – No new updates. Burger will be sending out files regarding lake depth that he has.
Dam Operations & Property Management – Althoff will be updating the grant spreadsheet. Rattenborg stated Lunda dove the hydrogate area and things look good. Climate control should be done this Friday. The new garage doors are in.
Finance & Budget – Burger stated work on next year’s budget will begin in January. Beals will be joining the finance team as Staebell will be unavailable.
Leonard mentioned the need to do fence removal in the scada area that would be covered with the current grant.
Public Comment: None
A motion to adjourn was made by Burger, second by Scherrman. All ayes. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 5:35 p.m.