Trustee Work Session Notes – 12/13/24

Dec. 13th  2024, Trustee Workshop

Attendees: Steve, Larry B., Heidi B, Joe S., Mark T, Joel A. Laurie K.

Guests: Laurie K, Larry W. , Dan Gilles IIHR u of I

IHRR Center

Larry Weber and Dan Gilles from U of I IHRR center provided us some high level advice and guidance on what my be available to us in the future.  They have many resources that can assist us related to river sedimentation and specifically to the Maquoketa Water Management Authority.  Making plans for short term and long term are necessary.  5 – 50 years of planning.

Building a comprehensive plan for short and long term are important to this center.

The center has received several documents from the Trustees to review from our most recent project attempt.  Larry and Staff will look over and be more prepared for a 1st Qrt follow up with committee/total group.

The center can provide many resources and they will do what they can to a point, if any of the involvement becomes greater, IIHR will address what may be necessary for a more  financial connection.

Items for follow up from discussion:

In addition to below or to highlight:

  1. Location of disposal site.  Potentially 40 – 60 acres more center to lake.  This in combination to current Dredge spoil site will be necessary.
  2. Engineering – We need to get all documents from HDR for our cloud storage.  Much of what has been prepared could transfer and save on next contract.  That could be with HDR, but may not depending on Engineering search and RFP. (Request for proposal)
    1. HDR and Barr I would guess will be interested
  3. Permiting tied to project, review what permits will be necessary and what has been done with most recent project that could be built on.
  4. Funding- what options would we have.  With bonding possible after current dredge debt is paid, could provide 8-10 Million available.  This should cover current package.   Length of bond and comprehensive planning for future is key to funding.

The Dredge committee will meet to discuss items and follow up for next Trustee Dredge Workshop.  
Follow-up tasks

TaskAssigned toDue dateNote:
Contacting BrennanDanJan.Contact rep…
Contact Corp of EngineersDanJanWhat can they provide
Funding/Bond ScheduleLarry B.Jan 1st. 
HDR RecordsJoel & LarryJanGet records and name?
Jan Meeting ScheduleDan  
Agenda Dredge Workshop Dec. 13thDanDec. 1Send to all trustees for workshop.

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