Minutes for Trustee Special Session and Work Session – September 12, 2013

The Combined Lake Delhi Recreational Facility and Water Quality District

Board of Trustees Meeting

Thursday, September 12, 2013 – 1:15 pm.

UNI Business and Community Services Building

8120 Jennings Drive

Cedar Falls, IA

The meeting of the Combined Lake Delhi Recreational Facility and Water Quality District Board of Trustees was called to order by President Steve Leonard at 1:15 pm at the UNI Business and Community Services Building in Cedar Falls, IA.

Trustees present: Leonard,  Kramer, Gifford, Davidson, Burger, Kray, and Schneider  

Trustees absent: 

Visitors: Larry Peter, Pat Colgan

Agenda reviewed by Leonard.  Burger made motion to approve agenda, Kramer second.  All ayes, motion passed.

Supplemental Agreement #20 was reviewed by Leonard.  One criteria between District and Army Corp of Engineers is to give documentation of the powerhouse.  This agreement outlines the level of service required by the Corp.  Gifford  said we have to get this done in order to get our federal permit.   Appendix B of the agreement gives details of what is required.   The biggest item is at the end and the second to last bullet point which requires1200 copies of the publication that will be produced for the documentation.  Gifford said it is a ‘not to exceed’ contract so he thinks it is a little high but we should be okay.  Gifford asked for a second quote and another firm was a little lower in price couldn’t get the work done in our time frame.  Louis Berger has committed to a 9/25/13 date.  Motion to approve Supplemental Agreement #20 by Kramer, second by Burger.   Davidson said there is some work already out on the Internet but this work has to be done by an approved company by the United States of America and the Historical Society so we can’t do this ourselves.   Individual roll call requested, all ayes, motion passed. 

Motion to go into closed session for the purpose of discussion regarding terms for acquisition of property and property rights for the purpose of restoring the lake and Dam per Iowa Code Section 21.5 (j) by Kray, Burger second.  Individual roll call request all ayes, motion passed.

Kray made a motion to adjourn, Burger second, all ayes, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 1:45 pm.

There was a brief recess and then Burger made motion to go into a work session for planning purposes, Gifford second.  All ayes, motion passed.  Randy Pilkington joined the group as he is the leader of our session for planning purposes.

Lake Delhi Trustees

Short-term Plan for 2013-14

Communications, Public Relations and Education

Goal: Improve ongoing communications among Trustees and between committees and Trustees


  • Provide all documents needing board approval to Trustee at least 48 hours prior to vote.  If possible, allow more time or send as soon as available.
  • Send regular updates via email of progress or actions and cc all board members (phone calls are a suitable substitute when more appropriate)
  • Keep email updates brief, using bullet-point style reports of the high points. If uncertain the update needs to be sent, better to send.
  • Share committee reports and actions – with an “alert” when critical or time sensitive information is included.  Committee chair or assignee is responsible for providing updates to Trustees.  Appoint someone on each committee to keep minutes.
  • Include non-trustees in communications if they are performing key tasks for the Trustees.
  • Assess committee membership and responsibilities and provide more details about the committee purpose if needed.
  • Consider more frequent Trustees meetings if more timely decisions need to occur – twice monthly was suggested.


Goal: Increase public relations activities to inform and educate lake property owners of progress and timelines


  • Send out the Lake Delhi VOICE newsletter once each month
  • Prepare and send mid-month updates as needed – shorter and news-focused updates
  • Respond to public comments made at the Trustee meetings.  Review the request and provide a response if the question has a simple response.  If the inquiry takes some research or consideration, put on next month’s agenda (if action is needed).
  • Use the Lake Delhi VOICE to recruit additional committee members.

Dam Reconstruction

Goal: Rebuild the Lake Delhi dam by fall of 2014 (extensive plan was detailed by Todd and can be shared with all Trustees).  Plan includes the following action items to be monitored by the Construction Committee


  • Property acquisition
  • Operation of Dam
  • Permitting- Stanley lead- work with Corp of Engineers and DNR
  • Regulatory- legal (easement, flood rights, EMP)
  • Phase I bid
  • Phase I const.
  • Phase II bid
  • Phase II const.
  • Misc.
  • Water Quality
  • Wording on construction contracts
  • Regular communication of construction progress to all Trustees


Lake Bed Restoration

Goal: Complete lake bed restoration in conjunction with reconstruction of dam and construction of spillway


  • Establish formal committee to address lake bed restoration by spring of 2014
  • Develop an approach to remediate weeds and tree growth by the summer of 2014
  • Plan for debris removal in the summer of 2014
  • Formalize dredge plan requirement within 30 days (by middle of October, 2013)


Finance and Operations (Finance Committee)

Goal: Formalize operations and payment criteria


  • Meet with DNR and Stanley consultants for updates and timelines (ongoing)
  • Learn about reimbursement – are there special forms required by Delaware County?
  • Determine the timing for processing payments
  • Consider hiring a part-time recording secretary in the near term at approximately $300/month.  Person hired should have experience in public finance
  • Work with FEMA on dredge debt
  • Refocus lobbying activities



Goal: Develop a detailed master budget for the Trustees by November, 2014

Actions:  Budget should include:

  • Operations of the Trustees
  • Dam construction
  • Public access plan
  • Lake bed restoration
  • Lobbying efforts


Public Access

Goal: Continue to work with Delaware County Board of Supervisors on the public access plan


  • Public access has been part of State and Local Government Committee – consider repurposing committee or forming a new committee
  • Prepare a public access plan for approval by Trustees by the spring of 2014 to include:
  • Turtle Creek access, beach, bridge, etc.
  • Portage for kayaks and canoes at the dam


Water Quality Committee and District

Goal: Financially support the important role of the Water Quality Committee


  • Continue testing water quality
  • Outline guideline and monitor shoreline protection during construction projects
  • Provide mini-grants for septic system improvements

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