Minutes – Thursday, July 16, 2020

The Combined Lake Delhi Recreational Facility and Water Quality District

Thursday, July 16, 2020

6:30 pm

210 South St.

Delhi, IA 52223


The regular meeting of the Combined Lake Delhi Recreational Facility and Water Quality District was called to order at 6:31 pm by President Dan Staebell.

Present: Staebell, Herman, Burger, Althoff, Davidson, Scherrman and Leonard

Absent: None

Visitors: Gordy and Pat Anderson, Alex Linderwell, Ed Schmidt and Larry Aschbrenner

Staebell asked for a motion to approve the meeting agenda. A motion was made by Scherrman, second by Herman. Motion carried.

Motion to approve the minutes of previous meetings was made by Burger, second by Davidson. Motion carried.

Claims were presented for payment in the amount of $9,830.53from the General Fund for electricity, internet services, beach port-a-potties, dam operation services, fire extinguisher service, copier expense, lobbyist expense, clerical expense, bond fee and beach maintenance. A motion was made by Leonard to accept the claims as presented. Seconded by Althoff. Motion carried.

June financial reports were presented. The General Fund had revenues of $7,227.07 from Delaware County. Expenditures for June were $7,421.15 ending June at $1,981,085.02. The Debt Service Fund had revenues of $7,135.95 from Delaware County and no expenditures ending June at $39,575.67. The Dam Improvement Fund had no new revenues and no expenditures ending June with a $40,000.00 balance. A motion was made by Leonard to receive and file the June financial report. Herman seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Alex Linderwell, Delaware County’s new Water & Sanitation Department administrator, was present to give an update on wells and sewers in the area. He reviewed services that his department offers and noted there haven’t been too many issues of concern in the lake area.   Alex fielded several questions by the Board regarding water testing, transfers, etc. It was noted that all property owners need to have their septic/well systems up to code by 2023 per the DNR. Currently there are 50 lake properties that still need to update their systems. A question was asked if there is a rebate for having a septic cleaned out and the answer was no.

The next agenda item was the consideration of adding sand to North Beach. Scherrmann said he’d been in discussion with several individuals who wondered if it would be possible to dredge the current beach area and run it through a sander to get the small rocks and other material sorted out. The thought was that the rocky material could be used on the road leading down to the beach. It was also suggested that maybe a few docks could be put in for older people to get on to the beach. Staebell noted that the road to the beach is not in good shape so bringing in equipment would be difficult. Leonard stated that the Corp. of Engineers has already done studies so that’s not an issue. But he also stated that he’s had comments from people regarding adding sand to the beach and the response was about 50/50. Herman said the general rule from the Corp. of Engineer is if you dredge material you can’t put it back into the flood plain. Herman’s other concern is that flooding would be an issue. Staebell suggested maybe putting sand in a small area of the beach to see how it reacts to flooding.   Davidson noted there’s sand in the back of the beach area that could be used. No action was taken.

The Board considered approving an agreement with Delhi Boats allowing them to use the boat ramp on the south side of the dam. Leonard addressed the board regarding a possible agreement. To further discussion, Leonard made a motion to approve a one-year contract that the Board deems acceptable to allow usage of four areas: the boat ramp, the boat slip area, the flat concrete area and the area on the fenced in area on the east side of the road. He suggested an amount of $5,000+the cost of property tax. Davidson seconded the motion. Herman said he is working on finding an answer to the property tax question. Leonard noted that we have a written agreement with Curtis Martin that he would be able to add a dock in the district area at a cost to be shared by him and the District. At this point he has not asked for a dock. Burger stated he would want to see a document and the coverage of insurance from Delhi Boats. He also asked if we needed to have a public hearing on the issue. Herman stated he understood that a lease of less than three years does not require a public hearing. After more discussion, Leonard revised his motion to table any action until the next meeting noting more information was needed before entering into an agreement with Delhi Boats. Herman stated he would be able to provide a draft on a lease agreement. Herman seconded the motion. Motion carried.

There was consideration and possible action on the District’s contract with L & L Consulting. Herman noted there had been discussion on possibly reducing the current contract with L & L Consulting over the past few years. He noted he has no complaints with the work that has been provided from them and that they were very important to the recovery of Lake Delhi. He did state, however, that currently there’s nothing for them to be working on in behalf of the lake. He also stated that he did some comparisons of what other public entities are paying for lobbyists and we are at the upper end of what most others pay. Herman said his personal opinion is that we could do without paying for lobbyists at this time. Burger said he talked with Larry Murphy about a reduced fee. Murphy indicated he would be willing to sit down and talk over a new contract. Burger suggested tabling this item and have a committee meeting prior to next month’s meeting to gather more information. Leonard seconded the motion. Only nay vote was Herman. Motion carried.

The Board considered contracting with the Delaware County Auditor to conduct district elections using hand counted ballots vs. machine counted ballots beginning in 2021. The concern is that machine counted ballots is much more expensive. Leonard made a motion to ask for a hand count ballot going forward. Herman seconded the motion.   Motion carried.

Staebell noted that the trustee election is Tuesday, July 21, 2020. There are three positions open.

Committee Updates:

Water Quality – Herman is working with volunteers on water monitoring.

Quality of Life – Leonard noted that Culver’s is working with a new engraver. They are hoping to start work in September. Leonard said he is still getting follow-up calls from a family wanting to donate to a sail area near the Wall of Recognition.

Property Assets/Dam – Davidson noted that everything is working like it should. Staebell noted that Marty Pottebaum contacted him regarding putting a road in the ditch area near his property. Staebell said he is looking for more information to go forward. He asked that the operations committee look into the possibility of what can be done and bring suggestions to the next meeting in August.

Althoff noted that a temporary camera was installed at the Scada office to test the system.

Public Comment:

Aschbrenner stated he felt a ramp at the north side is necessary for emergency vehicles. A note was made regarding the appreciation for the response from the Delaware County Sheriff’s team for responding to the recent drowning event.

A motion to adjourn was made by Burger, second by Davidson. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 7:33 p.m.


Minutes – Thursday, June 18, 2020

The Combined Lake Delhi Recreational Facility and Water Quality District

Thursday, June 18, 2020

6:30 pm

210 South St.

Delhi, IA 52223


The regular meeting of the Combined Lake Delhi Recreational Facility and Water Quality District was called to order at 6:30 pm by President Dan Staebell.

Present: Staebell, Herman, Burger, Althoff and Davidson. Scherrman and Leonard present via Zoom

Absent: None

Visitors: Larry Aschbrenner, Ed Schmidt, Wanda Davidson and Pat & Chloe Colgan. Laurie Kramer, Randy Rattenborg, Gary Grant and Larry Murphy via Zoom

Staebell asked for a motion to approve the meeting agenda. A motion was made by Herman, second by Davidson. Motion carried.

Motion to approve the minutes of previous meetings was made by Burger, second by Althoff. Motion carried.

Claims were presented for payment in the amount of $7,545.19 from the General Fund for electricity, internet services, auditor expense, beach port-a-potties, dam operation services, copier expense, lobbyist expense, clerical expense, and beach maintenance. A motion was made by Burger to accept the claims as presented. Seconded by Davidson. Motion carried.

May financial reports were presented. The General Fund had revenues of $6,084.27 from Delaware County. Expenditures for May were $113,112.58 ending May at $1,951,279.10. The Debt Service Fund had revenues of $5,618.54 from Delaware County and no expenditures ending May at $32,439.72. The Dam Improvement Fund had a transfer from the General Fund of $10,000.00 and no expenditures ending May with a $40,000.00 balance. A motion was made by Herman to receive and file the May financial report. Althoff seconded the motion. Motion carried.

The Board considered possible action on a payment option to Project Aware.   Staebell explained that last year the Board approved sponsoring their organization by paying them $15,000 for a five year sponsorship. Because they had to cancel this year’s cleanup due to COVID-19 that asked the Board wanted them to return the $3,000 annual amount or extend the sponsorship for another year out. Davidson made a motion to roll over the $3,000 to extend our sponsorship another year out. Scherrman seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Staebell asked Leonard to give an overview of the fireworks contract. J & M Displays has offered two contracts. One is for this year to be held Saturday, August 15, 2020. The cost of $10,000 has been funded by the LDRA. He noted that the contract includes insurance coverage. Leonard also noted that with a multi-year contract there would be a savings of 15% on the contract and an additional 8% savings if they are paid 70 days prior to the event. Leonard proposed having a rain date for the following Saturday, August 22, 2020.

Burger made a motion to approve the contract for this year’s fireworks at a cost of $10,000 and a rain date of Saturday, August 22, 2020. Herman seconded the motion. Burger asked Leonard how the discount works. Leonard said instead of a reduced cost we will get more fireworks. Motion carried.

Leonard reviewed the multi-year contract for fireworks with the Board. He explained that in order to get the maximum discounts it’s important to do a multi-year contract with this firm. The benefit to doing this is knowing we have them under contract for the dates we want. If we would need to cancel the fireworks, that would not be an issue. There is also no obligation to a fixed amount in the event the LDRA does not raise the $10,000 every year. It was noted that J & M Displays is a well-respected firm and they provide all the insurance coverage and licensure that is required by the county. A motion was made by Herman, second by Burger to approve the multi-year contract. Herman asked if the LDRA is recommending a multi-year agreement. Leonard said the LDRA is in favor of signing a multi-year contract with J & M Displays. Davidson asked Schmidt his opinion after dealing with the company. Schmidt said he is aware of other people who do firework displays. He asked if maybe there should be opportunities for other vendors to provide pricing for fireworks. Staebell said he feels that it is the LDRA’s decision on who to have provide the fireworks. Burger noted J & M Displays has vast experience providing fireworks for other organizations such as the Iowa Hawkeyes and Kansas City Chiefs and they provide excellent insurance coverage. In 2016, when the fireworks started back up again there was cost comparisons with other companies and J & M Displays was the cheapest as well. Schmidt asked that the additional insured include Ed Schmidt, Pat Dede and Achinbeck Farms. With no further discussion, motion was approved.

Davidson reported on the need to repair and/or replace the concrete at the upstream portage site on the south side of the dam. There have been two estimates to replace the concrete that was damaged during the construction of the dam. There’s also a wall that is owned by the District near the Kristine Nation property that has damage. The reason to replace the contract is that is part of the portage area and is currently not safe. It’s also being used as a boat ramp and that also is not safe. Davidson said the Trustees need to make a decision either to replace the area or block it off so no one gets hurt because the liability would be on the District. Davidson made a motion to replace the concrete. Herman asked if we know for sure that the wall belongs to the District. Randy Rattenborg stated he feels the wall on the lake side of Nation’s house belongs to the District. Staebell stated the first estimate from Welcher Concrete was $14,390 which included the wall. The estimate from Neuhaus Construction was for $13,328 which also include the wall.   Both companies said there could be additional excavation to add additional rock but that would not be known until they got into the work. Davidson said he would add to his motion to approve amount not to exceed $16,500 for replacement of the boat ramp and repair/replacement of the retaining wall subject to final inspection by Burrington Group. Staebell said regardless of whether part of the wall belongs to the District, once repair work starts on the ramp the wall will in all likelihood collapse. Leonard seconded the motion. Leonard asked if there could be funding available for this project. Davidson said time is of the essence and he would like to proceed with the project in lieu of writing a grant and waiting for approval. Leonard asked how soon we could get a contractor down to do the project. Staebell said it would be within three to six weeks. Herman stated that getting grant money after paying for a project usually never works. He also expressed concern about the repairing the wall and if, after identifying the property lines, it might be a good idea to push the wall back so it’s within the District’s property lines. Davidson said moving the wall could add to the cost. Herman asked to amend the motion to change the amount not to exceed $20,000 for any additional costs regarding the replacing the wall.   With no additional comments, motion carried.

The Board considered a proposal on updating the Scada computer and security system. Althoff gave an overview of discussions regarding the updates. He noted that there are two components to the proposal. One is for a computer update and the other for an updated security system. The price to update the computer, which doesn’t include the software upgrade that isn’t due until October, is $8,766.00 which includes a new monitor, keyboard, etc.   He indicated some of these are not necessary upgrades. Althoff recommended approving no more than the $8,766 to replace the computer. He noted the other quote is for updating the firewall renewal contract which recently expired. Althoff made a motion to approve a three-year contract with SonicWall for the firewall renewal at a cost of $1,155 and also replace the Scada computer at a cost not to exceed $8,766. Herman seconded the motion. After some additional discussion, the motion carried.

Gary Grant and Larry Murphy from L & L Consulting were present via Zoom to give the Board a legislative update. Gary outlined the three objectives that they were assigned by the Board at the beginning of the legislative session.

Direct funding – funding of the Impoundment Fund

Identify and support indirect funding streams (example – grant programs)

Stop any harmful actions such as additional regulations that might adversely affect the lake

He addressed the Impoundment Fund which was established that is specifically for the maintenance of lakes created by dams that are public lakes. Because of COVID-19 there has been a shortfall of revenue at the State. Due to that there was no new money for the Impoundment Fund this year. However, there will be a variety of grants funded next year that will be at the level they would have been funded this past year.   The DNR does have a grant program called the Water Recreation Access program which provides grants for boat ramps, etc. There’s another program for water trails for canoes and kayaks. He said he wasn’t sure what the cost share would be but would look for more information if the Board is interested. He noted there have been no new regulations by the DNR which is good news. Some grants may need to have projects developed in order to get those monies. With regard to the Impoundment Fund there was no new funding even though the Senate was willing to put some monies into it, the House did not agree. Larry Murphy reiterated what Gary Grant said about the Senate being willing to fund money for the Impoundment Fund and that it was the House that stopped the funding. He urged the Board to be thinking about how to be strategic when the elections come up to position the District to have the best representation possible. With COVID-19, he feels that between now and November there will be infrastructure monies out there for the District to take advantage of.   Staebell asked about the 3/8th cent funding stream that would have provided money for the Impoundment Fund. Grant said that right now the 3/8th could have provided monies but now it’s a combination of General Fund monies and gambling revenue which is why right now the House was not excited about spending additional money since the casinos have been shut down for months. A big chunk of money that now funds outdoor recreation comes from the Rebuild Iowa Infrastructure Fund. That money is now off the table. Murphy said that the District needs to work take advantage of those monies but it will have to happen next year.

Committee Updates:

Water Quality – Herman stated he will be getting back to people who have volunteered to help with water quality testing as he’s had several people come forward.

Quality of Life – Leonard stated that all of the approvals for the Wall of Recognition project are in place. He mentioned that the employee from Culver’s who oversaw the project is no longer there so he is in the process of working with a new project manager to bring them up to date and hopes to have more information for the July meeting. He also noted that there is have a family donation for an additional project that he will provide more information at the July meeting. He noted that this project is subject to approval by the Board.

Staebell noted that the ten-year anniversary of the dam is this year. KMCH is doing coverage in case if any of the Board are interested in being interviewed. He also noted that the Trustee Election is in July. Staebell also noted he reached out to folks in Michigan who just went through a dam failure to let them know if they needed anything from the Lake Delhi Trustees we would be happy to talk with them.

Property Assets/Dam – Davidson noted that the dam has been functioning very well. There was a rain event in the past week and the dam performed as it should. Pat Colgan also provided additional information on how the dam works and that there’s always a need for to keep the residents informed so they understand how the water events affect the river.   Randy Rattenborg mentioned that there’s document that was developed several years ago that would be helpful for residents of the lake because it shows the difference of the impact at various areas of the lake.

Water Recreation Access Grant – Herman said we’d be eligible 75/25 cost share. It’s due 9/30 available in March. It needs both access to the public. Davidson said it is not safe for to put boats in. Colgan agreed. Staebell said this would be a discussion item for July.

Public Comment:

Schmidt asked if there a concern that the DNR needs to approve the improvements to the portage area. The consensus was that there are no concerns from the DNR.

A motion to adjourn was made by Davidson, second by Burger. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 8:08 p.m.


Minutes – Thursday, May 21, 2020

The Combined Lake Delhi Recreational Facility and Water Quality District

Thursday, May 21, 2020

6:30 pm

210 South St.

Delhi, IA 52223


The regular meeting of the Combined Lake Delhi Recreational Facility and Water Quality District was called to order at 6:30 pm by President Dan Staebell.

Present: Staebell, Herman, Burger, Althoff and Davidson. Scherrman present via Zoom

Absent: Leonard

Visitors: Larry Aschbrenner

Staebell asked for a motion to approve the meeting agenda. A motion was made by Davidson, second by Burger. Motion carried.

Motion to approve the minutes of previous meetings was made by Althoff, second by Herman. Motion carried.

Claims were presented for payment in the amount of $9,461.50 from the General Fund for electricity, internet services, audit services, dam operation services, copier expense, lobbyist expense, clerical expense, website expense, beach signage, property insurance renewal and beach maintenance. A motion was made by Davidson to accept the claims as presented. Seconded by Burger. Motion carried.

April financial reports were presented. The General Fund had revenues of $29,199.16 from Delaware County. Expenditures for April were $6,633.17 ending April at $2,068,307.41. The Debt Service Fund had revenues of $36,710.13 from Delaware County and expenditures of $236,897.40, ending April at $26,821.18. The Dam Improvement Fund had no revenues or expenditures ending April with a $30,000.00 balance. A motion was made by Burger to receive and file the April financial report. Herman seconded the motion. Motion carried.

The Board reviewed the annual compilation report for FY19 provided by Hunt and Associates. Burger made a motion to receive and file the report. Seconded by Herman. Motion carried.

Consideration for donating to the LDRA dredge debt was reviewed by the Board.   The requested amount is $130,537.93 for principal and interest due June 1st. It was noted that there is a balance due prior to this request of $1,259,995.47. A motion was made by Burger, second by Davidson to approve the request. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Herman, second by Scherrman to authorize the Delaware County Auditor’s Office to conduct the upcoming Trustee election to be held on July 23rd. Motion carried.

Burger made a motion to approve a propane contract with Three Rivers FS for up to 2000 gallons to be purchased between September 1, 2020 and March 31, 2021 at a cost of $.99 per gallon. Althoff seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Consideration and possible action on a resolution to transfer a designated amount into the Dam Improvement Fund as required by the 28E Agreement with the County Supervisors filed in January of 2014.   Burger made a motion to transfer $10,000 into the Dam Improvement Fund. Davidson seconded the motion. Staeball asked for a roll call vote.

Davidson- yes

Burger – yes

Althoff- yes

Staebell – yes

Herman – yes

Scherrman – yes

Leonard – absent

Motion carried.

Herman provided the Trustees with information regarding a resolution to approve an MOA between the Taxing District, FEMA and Homeland Security et.al.in reference to Federal Disaster 1763. The MOA would require an easement from the District for archeological preservation along and around the dredge site. Herman explained that an easement agreement would be approved at a later date. The MOA is the first step in the agreement process. After some discussion, a motion was made by Herman, second by Althoff to approve the resolution. Staebell asked for a roll call vote.

Davidson- yes

Burger – yes

Althoff- yes

Staebell – yes

Herman – yes

Scherrman – yes

Leonard – absent

Motion carried.

The last agenda item was for consideration and possible action on a multi-year contract with J & M Display for fireworks. Herman made a motion, second by Davidson to table until the June meeting.

Public Comment: It was noted that additional port-a-potties will be added to both North and Lost Beach.

Committee Updates:

Water Quality – Herman noted that the Board has previously approved participating with the Watershed Management to do water testing. Delaware County will train anyone interesting in helping with the testing.

Quality of Life – No update

Property Assets/Dam – Davidson stated there are no issues to report. He and Althoff are working on computer updates. Davidson also noted he is in discussion with Jeremy Klima regarding leasing the boat ramp south of the dam.

Finance/Budget – No update

A motion to adjourn was made by Herman, second by Burger. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 7:10p.m.


Minutes – Thursday, April 16, 2020

The Combined Lake Delhi Recreational Facility and Water Quality District

Thursday, April 16, 2020

5:30 pm


Delhi, IA 52223

The regular meeting of the Combined Lake Delhi Recreational Facility and Water Quality District was called to order at 5:30 pm by President Dan Staebell.

Trustees present via ZOOM: Staebell, Herman. Scherrman, Leonard, Burger and Althoff

Absent: Davidson

Visitors: Laurie Kramer and Ed Schmidt

Staebell asked for a motion to approve the meeting agenda. A motion was made by Scherrman, seconded by Leonard. Motion carried.

Motion to approve the minutes of previous meetings was made by Herman, seconded by Leonard. Motion carried.

Claims were presented for payment in the amount of $6,509.13 from the General Fund for electricity, internet services, dam operation services, copier, expense, lobbyist expense, clerical expense and LP fuel. An additional claim was presented for payment for the GO Bond Debt. The amount of $236,897.40 was for principal and interest due June 1, 2020. A motion was made by Leonard to accept the claims as presented. Seconded by Herman. Motion carried.

March financial reports were presented. The General Fund had revenues of $108,518.01 from Delaware County. Expenditures for March were $6,185.65 ending March at $2,045,741.42. The Debt Service Fund had revenues of $143,214.38 from Delaware County with no expenditures, ending March at $227,008.45. The Dam Improvement Fund had no revenues or expenditures ending March with a $30,000.00 balance. A motion was made by Herman to receive and file the March financial report. Althoff seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Brief updates were given on the Wall of Recognition, FEMA and maintenance at the Scada Office.

A motion to adjourn was made by Leonard, second by Herman. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 5:47 p.m.

Minutes – Thursday, March 19, 2020

The Combined Lake Delhi Recreational Facility and Water Quality District

Thursday, March 19, 2020

6:30 pm

Lake Delhi Trustees Administration Building

Delhi, IA 52223


The regular meeting of the Combined Lake Delhi Recreational Facility and Water Quality District was called to order at 6:30 pm by President Dan Staebell.

Trustees present: Staebell, Davidson and Herman. Scherrman, Leonard, Althoff and Burger by phone


Visitors: Wanda Davidson

Staebell asked for a motion to approve the meeting agenda. A motion was made by Davidson, seconded by Herman. Motion carried.

Motion to approve the minutes of previous meetings was made by Herman, seconded by Davidson. Motion carried.

Claims were presented for payment in the amount of $6,185.65 from the General Fund for electricity, internet services, dam operation services, printer maintenance, lobbyist expense, clerical expense and publication expense. A motion was made by Davidson to accept the claims as presented. Seconded by Herman. Motion carried.

February financial reports were presented. The General Fund had revenues of $11,773.95 from Delaware County. Expenditures for February were $12.401.64 ending February at $1,943,232.41. The Debt Service Fund had revenues of $11,370.78 from Delaware County with no expenditures, ending February at $83,794.07. The Dam Improvement Fund had no revenues or expenditures ending February with a $30,000.00 balance. A motion was made by Herman to receive and file the February financial report. Davidson seconded the motion. Motion carried.

The Board considered contracting for beach and lawn maintenance. Mitch Stender is interested in continuing to provide this service. The cost would remain the same at $50.00 for the first hour and $35.00 per hour after that. Davidson suggested this work should be done on a “need” basis. Beach maintenance is done on a weekly basis. Davidson made a motion to contract with Stender, Herman seconded the motion. Staebell noted that he will continue to maintain North Beach for the time being. Motion carried.

Consideration and possible action on allowing the Hartwick Husky’s using Lost Beach for the 2020 ski show. The date is Saturday, July 11th. The Husky’s will provide proof of insurance and the Trustees will provide additional port-a-potties. A motion was made by Herman to approve the event based on proof of insurance. Davidson seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Herman made a motion to approve an amendment made by the MRWMA to change their meetings from being conducted quarterly to holding the meetings semi-annually. Davidson seconded the motion. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Herman, second by Davidson to approve Steve Leonard as primary contact to the MRWMA for the Trustees. In the event Leonard is unavailable, Staebell would be the secondary contact. Motion carried.

The Board considered a resolution on conducting water sampling. The sampling would cost $18.00 per test site. There are possible 13 sites that could be tested. The recommendation is to test three times per year. Herman suggested doing all 13 sites the first year and if samples are good at certain sites the number of sites could be reduced. Annual cost for 13 sites would be a little over $700. Sampling is scheduled for May 19, June 23 and August 11. Staebell asked if more samplings could be done especially after high water events and do the samplings become public. Herman stated that there would be a public record of the samplings and if we have concerning results the public would be notified. He also stated that normal sampling is not done after a high water event.   Davidson made a motion to conduct sampling at the 13 sites suggested on the suggested dates. Herman seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Because of the concerns over the COVD19 epidemic the Board discussed how best to handle monthly meeting in the coming months.   Options included an all call-in meeting, possibly using ZOOM to meet or cancel the April meeting for now. Staebell opened it up for discussion.   Leonard suggested canceling the April meeting unless some action item would require a meeting. A motion was made by Herman, second by Scherrman to cancel the April meeting and allow Staebell to approve necessary expenditures. Motion carried.

Committee Updates:

Leonard informed the Board that he did talk to Bill Holman from Stanley Consultants regarding the Wall of Recognition design. Holman plans to provide the final documents that will be given to the DNR for final approval of the site. Holman also stated he will be giving the Trustees his final dam inspection report in the near future. Leonard stated he is still waiting to hear from Holman regarding the dredge site review.

A motion to adjourn was made by Davidson, second by Herman. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 7:04 p.m.

Minutes – Tuesday, March 10, 2020

The Combined Lake Delhi Recreational Facility and Water Quality District

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

5:30 pm

Lake Delhi Trustees Administration Building

210 South St.

Delhi, IA


The special meeting of the Combined Lake Delhi Recreational Facility and Water Quality District was called to order President Dan Staebell at 5:30 pm.

Trustees present: Staebell, Burger, Scherrman, Davidson and Althoff

Trustees absent: Leonard, Herman

Visitors: Laurie Kramer, Wanda Davidson

Motion to approve the meeting agenda as read was made by Althoff, second by Davidson. Motion carried.

Burger made the motion to open the public hearing for the FY 2020/2021 budget, Scherrman seconded. Motion carried

There being no public comment a motion to close the public hearing was made by Burger, seconded by Scherrman. Motion carried. The public hearing closed at 5:33 pm.

Motion to receive and file the proof of publication and adopt and file the FY 2020/2021 budget as presented was made by Burger. Scherrman seconded. Motion carried.

Burger motioned to adjourn, Davidson seconded. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 5:37 pm.

Minutes – February 20, 2020

The Combined Lake Delhi Recreational Facility and Water Quality District

Thursday, February 20, 2020

6:30 pm

Lake Delhi Trustees Administration Building

Delhi, IA 52223


The regular meeting of the Combined Lake Delhi Recreational Facility and Water Quality District was called to order at 6:30 pm by President Dan Staebell.

Trustees present: Staebell, Althoff, Schermann and Leonard by phone

Absent: Davidson, Burger, Herman

Visitors: Larry Aschbrenner, Linda Kirsch and Deb Schoneman

Staebell asked for a motion to approve the meeting agenda. A motion was made by Scherrman, seconded by Althoff. Motion carried.

Motion to approve the minutes of previous meetings was made by Scherrman, seconded by Althoff. Motion carried.

Claims were presented for payment in the amount of $12,401.64 from the General Fund for electricity, internet services, dam operation services, printer maintenance, election expense, lobbyist expense, clerical expense and fuel. A motion was made by Scherrman to accept the claims as presented. Seconded by Althoff. Motion carried.

January financial reports were presented. The General Fund had revenues of $6,332.60 from Delaware County. Expenditures for January were $6,948.73 ending January at $1,943,860.10. The Debt Service Fund had revenues of $3,955.27 from Delaware County with no expenditures, ending January at $72,423.29. The Dam Improvement Fund had no revenues or expenditures ending January with a $30,000.00 balance. A motion was made by Althoff to receive and file the January financial report. Scherrman seconded the motion. Motion carried.

The Board reviewed the proposed budget for FY21. It was noted that the proposed budget includes a freeze on the Debt Service tax rate. A motion was made by Leonard, second by Althoff to present the proposed budget for approval at the March 10th public hearing. Motion carried.

Committee Updates:

Leonard stated he was waiting to here back from Bill Holman regarding Stanley’s review and acceptance of the location of the Wall of Recognition. He is also waiting to hear from Bill Holman on the dam inspection and final report.

Scherrman noted that he would be working on getting out a Lake Delhi Voice sometime this spring.

Althoff noted that he is working on getting quotes for computer updates for the Scada Office.

Public Comment: Aschbrenner informed the Board of a situation near the dam regarding logs being set out on the ice. His concern is that once the ice melts the logs will head directly toward the dam gates. Staebell said he would check into the situation.

Linda Kirsch expressed concern over DNR reports on the water quality at Lake Delhi. Leonard provided an update on the Watershed Management Authority and their role in water quality at Lake Delhi. He said there will be a renewed effort to do water quality testing in the spring. Leonard said he was unaware of any testing by the DNR and noted that the DNR’s budget has impacted their presence on the lake. Kirsch said the report came from the Cedar Rapids Gazette. Staebell asked her to send him the information so he could forward to the rest of the board. The Board indicated they continue to work on water quality in the District.

A motion to adjourn was made by Scherrman, second by Althoff. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m.


Minutes – January 16, 2020

The Combined Lake Delhi Recreational Facility and Water Quality District

Thursday, January 16, 2020

6:39 pm

Lake Delhi Trustees Administration Building

Delhi, IA 52223

The regular meeting of the Combined Lake Delhi Recreational Facility and Water Quality District was called to order at 6:30 pm by President Dan Staebell.

Trustees present: Staebell, Burger, Althoff, Schermann, Leonard and Herman

Absent: Davidson

Visitors: Ed Schmidt, Larry Aschbrenner and Randy Rattenborg

Staebell asked for a motion to approve the meeting agenda. A motion was made by Burger, seconded by Herman. Motion carried.

Motion to approve the minutes of previous meetings was made by Herman, seconded by Althoff. Motion carried.

Claims were presented for payment in the amount of $6,948.73 from the General Fund for electricity, internet services, dam operation services, printer maintenance, auditor’s expense, lobbyist expense, clerical expense and fuel. A motion was made by Althoff to accept the claims as presented. Seconded by Leonard. Motion carried.

December financial reports were presented. The General Fund had revenues of $5,526.68 from Delaware County. Expenditures for December were $6,874.90 ending December at $1,944,476.23. The Debt Service Fund had revenues of $3,299.94 from Delaware County with no expenditures, ending December at $68,468.02. The Dam Improvement Fund had no revenues or expenditures ending December with a $30,000.00 balance. A motion was made by Leonard to receive and file the December financial report. Herman seconded the motion. Motion carried.

The Board considered setting a date for a public hearing to approval the FY21 budget.

After some discussion, Leonard made a motion to hold the public hearing on Tuesday March 10th at 5:30. Burger seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Staebell asked for consideration on possible action on potential land transfers.   Herman stated he would be willing to work with landowners to see if there’s any interest in purchasing their frontage.   It was noted that legal assistance may be needed. Leonard made a motion to have Herman make the necessary communication. Seconded by Burger. Motion carried.

The Board considered possible action on approval of contracts with Stanley Engineering. Leonard stated he would like to follow-up with Bill Holman on the dam inspection that is due. Leonard would also like consideration for paying Stanley not more than $1,000 for the Wall of Recognition inspection. Staebell asked for approval to pay up to $5,000 for dam inspection reports.  Scherrman made a motion to approve. Seconded by Herman. Motion carried.

Committee Updates:

Scherrman noted that he would be working on updating the Trustee webpage with Laurie Kramer.   There was additional discussion about the pros and cons of having a Facebook page.

Randy Rattenborg discussed with the Board the issues the operations team is having with the snow removal on the deck. Salting the deck is a concern on the deck area because of the apoxy coating along with using sharp blades to push snow. Staebell asked the trustees to view the area before the next Board meeting and will discuss further next month.

Staebell noted that Burrington Group will be providing the Trustees with a new contract at the next board meeting.

Public Comment: None

A motion to adjourn was made by Burger, second by Herman. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.


Minutes – Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Combined Lake Delhi Recreational Facility and Water Quality District

Thursday, December 19, 2019

6:30 pm

Lake Delhi Trustees Administration Building

Delhi, IA 52223

The regular meeting of the Combined Lake Delhi Recreational Facility and Water Quality District was called to order at 6:30 pm by President Dan Staebell.

Trustees present: Staebell, Schermann, Althoff, Leonard, Herman, Burger and Davidson

Visitors: Ben Pasker and Larry Aschbrenner

Staebell asked for a motion to approve the meeting agenda. A motion was made by Schermann, seconded by Herman. Motion carried.

Motion to approve the minutes of previous meetings was made by Burger, seconded by Leonard. Motion carried.

Claims were presented for payment in the amount of $6,867.50 from the General Fund for electricity, internet services, dam operation services, printer maintenance, supplies, lobbyist expense, clerical expense and bond registrar fees. A motion was made by Herman to accept the claims as presented. Seconded by Burger. Motion carried.

November financial reports were presented. The General Fund had revenues of $9,222.13 from Delaware County. Expenditures for November were $23,491.35 ending November at $1,945,824.45. The Debt Service Fund had revenues of $8,219.45 from Delaware County with no expenditures, ending November at $65,168.08. The Dam Improvement Fund had no revenues or expenditures ending November with a $30,000.00 balance. A motion was made by Herman to receive and file the November financial report. Burger seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Committee Updates:

Staebell asked if Leonard could get a price estimate from Bill Holman with Stanley Engineers for the January meeting regarding engineering/project management cost for the dredge site preparation and support for a dredge plan. Leonard noted that the trustees have to come up with a capital plan in order to make a legislative proposal. Davidson asked if Colgan would be willing to lead the charge. Leonard stated that Colgan is willing to work with Bill Holman to get us estimates. Leonard also stated that he would send all of the trustees an update once he receives the estimates.

Staebell suggested trustee committees provide action items at the January work session that could be acted on at the regular meeting that follows.

Staebell noted that budget discussions will begin in January. Burger stated that the state now requires two budget hearings instead of one. The budget needs to be published by March 31 instead of March 15. The first public hearing refers to a city requirement to levy limits. The second public hearing is for the entire budget. Staebell asked if the finance committee could meet prior to the January meeting. Burger said he will be having a meeting of the finance committee in January.

Burger also noted that he ran different options regarding payment of the debt schedule. He reviewed several options that would affect debt capacity. Possible options will be discussed at the January work session.

Davidson gave an update on the new crane at the dam. They used it to remove a 15’ tree that was by Gate 1. The Delhi Fire Department came down to assist pulling the tree out of the water. He noted the lift capacity for the crane is 15 ton.

Larry Aschbrenner expressed concern about the bouys not being reattached in front of the dam. . It was noted that the reason the bouys were taken apart was for removal of debris on the spillway. Davidson agreed with the concerns and stated he feels the current bouy system is not adequate for the safety issues at the dam.

Herman noted that there were furnace issues at the Scada Office that have been resolved.

Larry Aschbrenner also noted that he had received comments from several people that Lake Delhi has no signage in the outlying areas such as Hwy. 13. A suggestion was to reach out to the Manchester tourism group.

A motion to adjourn was made by Burger, second by Davidson. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m.


Official Minutes – November 21, 2019

The Combined Lake Delhi Recreational Facility and Water Quality District

Thursday, November 21, 2019

6:30 pm

Lake Delhi Trustees Administration Building

Delhi, IA 52223

The regular meeting of the Combined Lake Delhi Recreational Facility and Water Quality District was called to order at 6:30 pm by Larry Burger.

Trustees present: Burger and Schermann, Leonard and Althoff by phone

Absent: Staebell, Herman and Davidson

Visitors: Ben Pasker

Burger asked for a motion to approve the meeting agenda. A motion was made by Leonard, seconded by Schermann. Motion carried.

Motion to approve the minutes of previous meetings was made by Schermann, seconded by Burger. Motion carried.

Claims were presented for payment in the amount of $23,491.26 from the General Fund for electricity, internet services, dam operation services, diesel generator inspection, printer maintenance, supplies, lobbyist expense, clerical expense, beach cleanup, repairs to overhead hoist at the dam and LP gas. A motion was made by Althoff to accept the claims as presented. Seconded by Leonard. Motion carried.

October financial reports were presented. The General Fund had revenues of $28,624.10 from Delaware County. Expenditures for October were $27,786.15 ending October at $1,960,093.67. The Debt Service Fund had revenues of $32,671.73 from Delaware County expenditures of $236,251.50, ending October at $56,948.63. The Dam Improvement Fund had no revenues or expenditures ending October with a $30,000.00 balance. A motion was made by Althoff to receive and file the October financial report. Leonard seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Committee Updates:

Leonard informed the Trustees that meetings will be forthcoming with our lobbyists to discuss the upcoming 2020 legislative session.

A motion to adjourn was made by Leonard, second by Althoff. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:47 p.m.