Trustee Agenda – Wednesday, September 21, 2022

The Combined Lake Delhi Recreational Facility and Water Quality District

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

5:00 p.m.

Lake Delhi Scada Office

South Side of Dam

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Meeting ID: 373 174 3352

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  1. Call to Order
  2. Approve Agenda
  3. Consideration and approval of minutes of Previous Meetings
  4. Consideration and approval of Payments
  5. Review Financial Report
  6. Consideration and possible action to receive and file Project Closeout Confirmation letter related to FEMA DR 1763 PA ID #055-UNOCB-00
  7. Consideration and possible action on a quote from Iowa Wall Sawing Service for work on the dam and spillway
  8. Consideration and possible action on appointments to 2022-2023 committees
  9. Committee Updates
  1. Water Quality & Sediment Control (Leonard, Althoff, Scherrman)
  2. Community Events & Activities (Leonard, Scherrman, Jasper)
  3. Dam Operations & Maintenance (Burger, Jasper, Althoff)
  4. Property Management (Scherrman, Jasper, Thompson)
  5. Finance & Budget (Burger, Althoff, Staebell)
  6. Legislative (Leonard, Burger, Staebell)
  7. Dredge (Staebell, Leonard, Thompson)
  8. Wall of Recognition (Leonard, Burger, Staebell)
  1. Public Comment
  2. Adjourn

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